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Concepts of community health nursing
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Community Health is the study and development of health in different communities. Community health tends to focus on area which includes primary, secondary and tertiary healthcare. It is also related to policies and a broad health services ranging to prevent diseases, promote health, and to rehabilitate the community. This is dedicated to individuals belonging to a local community and also the features of this community and its environment. With this community health nursing can be explained as a practice of taking care of the family from the child trough to the elderly on how to live a healthy and productive life, they provide a continuous service making sure that the physical and mental state of all individuals is good and also not prone to any chronic or risky diseases. Community health nurses are not restricted to the care of a particular age or diagnostic group. Contribution of all clients of health care are encouraged in the development of community activities that contribute to the promotion, education, and maintenance of good health. These activities require full health programs that pay special attention to socio-ecologic controls and specific populations at risk. Community health nurses are valued for their adaptive and ability to provide care in many ways, including community health clinics, churches, homeless shelters, and schools. Their role is to provide full care to patients within their homes, at organized events such as health fairs, and at agencies and institutions serving people who have particular health needs. They also lead or work together with other health care professionals, organizations, political figures and members of the community to promote health for their community. They develop and apply corporat...
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...mmunity involvement and knowledge about the entire population with personal clinical understandings of the health and illness experiences of individuals and families within the population. Community and public health nurses focus on the avoidance of illness, injury or disability, the sponsorship of health and maintenance of the health of the populations, they work with communities, target health promotion and disease prevention, they act as teachers, counselors and play an vital role in preventing wide spread illness and disease. They also endorse, protect, and maintain the health of populations through the delivery of personal health services to individuals, families and defend the community as a whole. In low-income and rural communities, these nurses also provide important health care services. They are able to distinguish and respond to potential health crises.
Strasser, Judith A., Shirley Damrosch, and Jacquelyn Gaines. Journal of Community Health Nursing. 2. 8. Taylor & Francis, Ltd., 1991. 65-73. Print.
Patient-Centered Care is a vital step for the underserved populations. In the clinical practice attention, and focus should be priority for these disadvantage patients. As a nurse educator, I should take a proactive role to to improve the health of America's underserved populations. participating in support group will enhance the care to serve the underserved population. In United states there is a disparity in the health of racial , ethnic groups, minorities, and African Americans. Most of the underserved population lives in underserved rural areas. These population lack access for health care, because their poverty, low income, and less access to transportations. Serving in shortage area is sacred mission for health care provider. Nursing role in the underserved areas has a dominant factor to reduce children mortality rate, and reduce elderly diseases. It is an opportunity to address all the barriers that prevent this special group for health care access. It is the real challenging for nurses to use the utmost knowledge, and explore new ideas that need further investigations.
2.3 Explain how the health and social care practitioner own values, beliefs and experiences can influence delivery of care.
Social determinants of health has been a large topic for many years and can have a positive and negative effect on individuals, families and communities. (World Health Organisation, 2009) The social determinants of health are the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work and age, including the health system. These circumstances are shaped by the distribution of money, power and resources at global, national and local levels, which are themselves influenced by policy choices. Social determinants have many factors and in this essay education will be the main social determinant of health discussed and how this could have an impact on the physical and mental sides of health.
According to Allender, Rector, and Warner (2014), public health is a combination of both an art and a science (2014). The mission of public health nursing is to promote health, prevent disease and ultimately prolong life (Allender et al., 2014). In order for this to occur an assessment must take place. An aggregate or community assessment begins with a collection of data. This includes: the community’s health needs, risks, environmental conditions, financial resources through local census data, and a windshield survey (Allender et al., 2014). Through public health nursing, communities can collectively come together to help promote an overall better health standing.
Public health may be defined as “a social and political concept aimed at the improving the quality of life among the whole population through health promotion, disease prevention and other forms of health intervention”.(1) The purpose of public health practice is to improve the health of society rather than individuals and reduce health disparities between individuals, groups, and communities through organized effort of the communities, individuals and organizations. As Marmot points out: “creating a fairer society is fundamental to improving the health of the population and ensuring a fairer distribution of good health”.(2) Besides this, the public health field is expanding to tackling new and contemporary risks: obesity, sexually transmitted
A community can be defined as a group of people, who live, learn, work and play in an environment at a given time. (Yiu, 2012, p.213) There are many factors that may influence the community’s development and health status. These can include resources available, accessibility, transportation, safety, community needs etc… These influences may combine together to form community strengths and as well as community challenges or weaknesses. As a community health care nurse, it is significant for us to assess and identify these strengths and challenges within the community in order for us to intervene and provide the appropriate needed health care services for the community members. This individual scholarly paper will explore and focus on one challenge issue identified from our group community assessment.
A nurse’s role in our society today is exceptionally significant. Nurses are somewhat idolized and looked to as our everyday “superman”. “The mission of nursing in society is to help individuals, families, and groups to determine and achieve physical, mental, and social potential, and to do so within the challenging context of the environment in which they live and work” (“The Role of a Nurse/Midwife”). Many Americans turn to nurses for delivery of primary health care services and health care education (Whelan). In our country, there is constantly someone in need of health care. There will always be a baby being born or a person dying, someone becoming ill or growing old. Some people due to their physical and/or mental state of health are completely dependent on a nurse and wouldn’t be able to get through the simple obstacles of every day, or achieve the necessary requirements of a simple day without their aid. Not only do nurses help, and assist you when you’re sick, but also act to promote good health to others. They end...
Harkness, G. A. & Demarco, R. (2012). Community and public health nursing. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Nursing entails self- directed and cooperative health care for the society at large in all contexts. It includes the promotion of appropriate practices to enhance health, prevention of diseases,
Caring for the elderly is an activity that requires patience, willingness, due diligence and effective co-ordination of resources in order to optimally benefit the recipients. Community services and programs is one such avenue that caters for the elderly by providing for their mental, physical, social and emotional well-being, and by extension promotes a greater quality of life. Community services help meet the needs of the elderly and attract older people who face barriers to active living. One strong advocate of community based services and a program for the elderly is the American Association of Retired People (AARP) who relentlessly seeks to promote a healthy lifestyle for people 50 years and over.
Community/public health nursing: Promoting the health of populations (5th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders, Inc. Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency website.
To answer to my questions I looked to my clinical instructor and other resources such as course literature. From the course book I was able to learn that public health nursing can be applied to lead collaborative efforts to attain optimal health for people locally and nationally. It also helps develop innovative programs to improve health of populations and lead health care reform efforts within and across health care systems. As far as working conditions, I have learned that most public health nurses work for government agencies, nonprofit groups, community health centers and other organizations that aim to improve health at the community level. In addition public health nurses can travel locally or distances to meet with community groups to bring health care services into underserved
Some of the most gratifying things about being a nurse is the distinctive role we have with those we care for. Our role encourages openness and transparency for clients and their families to reveal things to us they may not be willing to say under most circumstances. Furthermore, nursing is a life path that comes with incalculable responsibilities to be both a compassionate health care provider and a conscientious advocate. This semester I had the opportunity to experience nursing from the perspective of a Community Health Nurse in Montclair, California. It has given me a chance to practice these responsibilities in different ways. It has also given me a new perspective on nursing.
There are numerous public health problems that can be addressed in my Southside of Chicago community. Among the several public health problems facing my Southside of Chicago community there are two that are more urgent. Health education or one might say lack thereof is a problem that needs to be addressed. My community is plagued with many of the residents suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes, and the killer virus known as HIV. In most cases these conditions can be prevented with healthier lifestyles and access to nutritious organic foods. In addition, environmental health is another urgent problem my community is facing. Access to clean, safe water and air is supposed to be a fundamental human right aimed at a healthy environment. Yet, my community consists a waste contaminated beach, numerous deteriorated building that are still occupied, and a countless number of restaurant and stores supplying our residents with services that are endangering their health.