Challenge Accepted Research Paper

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“Challenge accepted.” All my friends and family know that when I say “challenge accepted,” you better believe it. I am the last person to back out of a challenge or when circumstances get tough. Throughout my life, especially throughout high school, I have been challenged countless times. And every single time, I face opposition, and I never let anything change my mind, or even make me hesitant. “I am going to take AP biology as a sophomore.” Biology was never my strong suit. I knew that at the time, but I was determined. Nothing was going to change my mind. I issued the “challenge accepted” towards my honors Biology teacher to take AP Biology. I admit it was ambiguous at first. However, I persevered. Within a couple of months, I substantially became better at biology. Not only did I become more proficient, but I cherished the subject as well. I then developed a strong ambition to have Biology as my major in college. I considered it as one possibility of two before, but I was never so enthusiastic about the choice. It’s now one of my life goals. What would have happened if I gave in to my opposition and quit early, if I never gave the “challenge accepted”? “I am going to …show more content…

There was no “You can do this! It’ll be easy.” Instead, there was opposition by many, like always. It wasn’t only the general goal that was being opposed, but the individual steps required to do so as well. These steps usually seemed “impossible” or “not worth it.” For example, many spend their summers frolicking on the beach or playing mindless video games. While this may be good to do every once in a while, it certainly isn’t to do so for three months. I’ve spent my past summers mostly taking classes to get ahead. Several of my friends opposed my taking English this past summer, giving me a long list of rationalizations that were inconsequential to changing my decision. The lengthy classes were arduous, but I

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