Celiac Disease Essay

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Celiac Disease, also known as gluten intolerance, is an autoimmune disorder and it affects nearly 1 in every 133 people. A protein in wheat known as gliadin causes a person’s immune system to attack its own bowel and digestive system. This protein is also found in other grains such as rye, barley and oats. There are villi in the small intestine whose job is to absorb nutrients from the foods eaten. Since the body is attacking itself it causes the villi to atrophy and it erodes the nutrient absorbing villi, as it actually shortens and flattens the villi. Due to the affect of the gliadin proteins, it can cause irreversible damage to the lining of the small intestines and its villi. This condition seems to be genetic and can be passed down through generations. It was traditionally thought that this condition only affected People of European dissent, but recent studies show that it is also seen in people of Hispanic, Asian and African American dissent as well. There are blood tests that can be done to determine if one has celiac disease which is very helpful. If getting a blood test or an endoscopy done it is very important that gluten is still being consumed so as the see what affects it has on the body. Celiac disease can cause a myriad of other conditions like intestinal lymphoma; osteoporosis; anemia and it can stunt growth in children due to the fact that the body cannot absorb nutrients causing severe malabsorption of essential nutrients and vitamins.
The symptoms of Celiac Disease are usually very clear but there are those that have no symptoms as all which is particularly dangerous due to damage being done to the intestines which no inclination that there is a problem. Painful bloating is a...

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... all prepared without a lot of additives such as bread crumbs even soy sauce can have gluten in it. Spices are a huge offender when it comes to additive such as gluten or monosodiumgluminate (MSG). It is very important to know the source of where your spices come from and if they are pure with no additives. Often times it’s just best to either grown your own or buy individual single spices and mix them into blends such as “taco seasoning” and “Italian seasoning.” To live a true GF diet, you must read labels as gluten is in many items as an additive. There are lots of gluten free products on the market today to include, rice pastas and cereals. There are lots of Celiac Disease Support Groups for individuals to join or become affiliated with as many suffers have difficulty managing especially when there conditions include painful and irritable bowel symptoms.

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