Cause And Effect Essay About Video Games

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Video games have been an issue towards children while they are growing, but it has also affected many adults as well. The problems that come from playing too much video games, is that the addiction can cause many problems within the brain that has affected many today. They probably won’t notice it, but problems can develop, such as psychological issues throughout the time the person keeps playing video games, and turn into serious mental problems such as depression, anxiety, and social phobia. Also, other problems such as health related issues has been known to be also a problem due to being addicted to video games. While so, children tend to be the most affected by this problem due to obesity, children will prefer to play long hours in video games rather than to go outside at least to play at the playground, also sleeping a few hours has also been a problem related to obesity. People being addicted to video games has also shown signs of poor performance in school or related areas of education, due to the lack of the willingness to make good grades, by the fact the person spends too much time playing video games. In which students, will stop caring about …show more content…

Students are shown of not caring about school anymore such as the idea of forgetting due dates, not doing homework, and not focusing in school during a class. Also, students tend to desperately go home to play video games, and not socialize enough at school. A possible solution for this problem will be the parents making a difference in this situation such as, giving the children stricter rules about the limitation of playing video games, or any at all. Also, the children can develop relationships with the teachers or principals that can help the child into solutions and how the child can focus better during a class, and have counseling sessions to talk with the parents and children to stop the

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