Case study of a Child With Aggressive Behavior

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Case studies are a collection of data obtained using various methods gathered on an individual or group to record areas of interest in order to assist with analysis and provide recommendations. The study should include the name of the person, although this should be protected to provide anonymity where appropriate, and a brief description of the subject. The setting where the study is to be performed should be included. The aim of the observation must be presented along with a report of the findings. The type of method used will depend upon the subject and the area of interest. Data is gathered on the subject in this case observations were used to provide the data. An interpretation of the study will be made in order to provide a conclusion and recommendations made if applicable. Freud famously used the case studies that he carried out on his patients to develop his Psychoanalytic Theory. Name: Child A Parental permission has been verbally granted in order to perform this study and in line with the code of ethics and conduct of the British Psychological Society (BPS), with regard to safeguarding the subject in this study will be referred to as Child A. (British Psychological Society, 2009) Description of subject: Child A is a forty month old male pupil at this setting and attends regularly for five mornings a week since September 2011. He has two siblings and he is the middle child. He lives with his siblings and both parents. He is one of the younger children in his nursery year. He has not yet formed any friendships with his peers at the setting and children are wary of him due to his unpredictable volatility. His behaviour has also been ... ... middle of paper ... ...America. Jordan, R., & Powell, S. (1995). Understanding and Teaching Children with Autism. New York: Wiley. Perry, B. D. (2002). Bonding and Attachment in Maltreated Children: Consequences of Emotional Neglect in Childhood. Retrieved December 4, 2011, from Pierce, W. D., & Cheney, C. D. (2004). The Bobo doll experiment. In C. D. W. David Pierce, Behavior Analysis and Learning (pp. 310-311). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. Riddall-Leach, S. (2003). Managing Children's Behaviour. Oxford: Heinemann. Shaffer, D. R. (2009). The Social Origins of early Competencies. In D. R. Shaffer, Social and Personality Development (p. 91). Wadsworth, Ca.: Cengage Learning. Vygotsky, L. (1978). Mind In Society:the development of higher psychological processes. Cambridge, Ma: Harvard University Press.

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