Probation Officer’s Statement: Parole supervision was accepted by Portsmouth Court Service Unit for Armun Dozier as of February 25, 2016 after confirming that Armun’s family resided in the city of Portsmouth and plans were being put in place to release the youth from C.A. Dillon Center for Youth to his mother’s supervision. Records indicate, Armun was charged with discharging a weapon in an occupied premise. He was previously adjudicated on December 1, 2013, on charges of misdemeanor larceny and injury to real property.
Case Synopsis: On July 9, 2014, Ravonty Lemek Braswell was the driver. Markail Antonio Farmer was the passenger. Jelen Marquez Dozier and Armun Dozier was in the back seat of the Honda Accord. All subjects were driving around
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Additional offenses for which Armun was adjudicated include misdemeanor larceny and injury to real property. Armun was admitted to CA Dillion Youth Development Center on August 14, 2015. Armun received anger management, individual counseling and substance abuse services during his incarceration. Armun also completed Structured Psychotherapy for Adolescents Responding to Chronic Stress (SPARCS) group from May 2015 to August 2015.
Armun was released from C.A. Dillon Youth Development Center on April 4, 2016. He remains on parole supervision. Armun was placed on house arrest for 30 days on April 6, 2016. Life Skills Coaching through Positive Pathways started on April 15, 2016 and will end on July 23, 2016.
Armun currently lives with his mother and two younger siblings. He was released from C.A. Dillon Youth Development Center to her custody via Interstate Compact for Juveniles. Parole supervision was accepted for Armun prior to his release on February 25, 2016. Ms. Bandy relocated from Princeville, North Carolina to Virginia to provide a safe and better environment for Armun’s return
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The apartments are located within close proximity to local businesses, schools and religious assemblies. The family has transportation and can access most community resources available in the area. Multiple home visits have been conducted with the first on February 23, 2016, and the last on May 20, 2016. The apartment was clean, neatly furnished, and there were no visible defects or areas of concern. According to a recent demographic directory, the area consists of approximately 2,232 individuals and the average household income is approximately $58,159. The median household income is $49,910. The average household size is approximately 2.4 and the area has a diversity index of 62.1. Crime in the area is average with the population consisting of a lot of youth and single families. There are some gang and criminal activity noted to be in the
Based on observations, Hispanics dominate the neighborhood with Caucasians coming close to to the range of neighbors. The neighborhood is relatively middle and working class because rent is at a range that is a bit costly compared to an apartment complex, but less than townhouses in the city of Cypress. I arrived at this conclusion because, my family used to live in a townhouse community, but we had to move out because rent was too expensive to handle. The public life of the neighborhood is generally quiet. However, there is an area in the middle of the neighborhood that has regularly street interaction provided for the neighborhood. An outdoor pool is open during the summer for people to enjoy in the California heat. A fenced basketball court and playground is next to the pool where children and teens come and play with others. Lastly, an indoor banquet room near the manager office is provided for homeowners to reserve for any special occasion such as birthdays and baby showers. As mentioned before, the neighborhood is relatively quiet, but since the homes are tight side by side one other people are able to hear conversations in homes if they were speaking loudly enough. There are no homeless people present in the neighborhood since it is bricked wall throughout the perimeter. People walking around the neighborhood can be seen through their homes and regularly monitored by the
In 1986, a Massachusetts day-care worker named Gerald Amirault was convicted of sex crimes against children -- crimes so hideous they almost defied description. Also convicted were his mother, Violet, who owned the Fells Acres Day School, and his sister, Cheryl, who also worked there. Yesterday, after 17 years behind bars, Mr. Amirault was finally granted parole. Soon he will be a free man again.
On March 20th, 2018, I conducted an interview with J2018-0568B at the Butler County Juvenile Office. Prior to any questioning, J2018-0568B was read and explained the juvenile Miranda Warning by Juvenile Officer Salyer. J2018-0568B was accompanied by his grandmother (legal guardian) and his brother's girlfriend (power of attorney) during the interview.
In the state of Florida in the year of 2008- 2009 there was a total of 100, 619 offenders who were admitted onto probation and 64.2% of them were released off of probation being successful. Probation supervision is provided to adults offenders who have been sentenced to some type of supervision. While on this supervision the probation officer is to refer the offender to community resources for things they need help with such as a job, some kind of treatment, maybe even drug test for supervise substance abuse, or even using an electronic monitor to know the offenders location. The probation officer is to report things that may go against what the offender is to do, such as failing a drug test would be reported to the court system, or violating parole would need to be reported to the Florida Board of Parole. In Florida we have different types of probation, the different types work with the offender as to what they have been charged for and how serious their conviction is. While an offender is on probation they are under the supervision of a probation officer. A probation officer’s general duties are to provide case management work to ensure that clients comply with court ordered requirements. A probation officer is to utilize the case management approach in the supervision of the offenders and instruct assigned offenders on compliance with court ordered conditions on probation. The officer is to refer the offender to appropriate community based organizations which include domestic violence, anger management, substance abuse, mental health, educational growth, life skills, and money management. The probation officer is to up keep all the information that has been given to the offender and document all contact with the offender.
The neighbourhood has a population of 532 people and the median age there is 44. The average household income is estimated at around $112,520 and a total number of 222 households are available there.
The Merriam Webster dictionary defines Probation as a period of time given to someone who commits a crime and instead of being incarcerated are allowed to spend their sentence in the community based on conditions set aside by the courts. ( The task was given to me to build the ultimate model of Probation Services. After careful consideration and great thought this is the route I decided to take. I believe that parents play a great role in some of the decisions their children make. The decisions children make today are a reflection of their parents. My focus on this probation model is to place both child and parent in an institution were they would undergo a period of restoration of family values, rehabilitation, parenting courses, academia and counselling. The ages of these juveniles will range between the ages of ten (10) to seventeen (17) years old.Therefore I stand for institutionalized probation and how this probation will assist in instilling family values.
Read spent only 13 months’ outside prison between the ages of 20 and 38, having been convicted of crimes including armed robbery, firearm offences, assault
Historically, probation officers have performed both rehabilitative and law enforcement functions, especially in juvenile probation. In a rehabilitative role the probation officer serves as a social case worker, a counselor whose primary concerns are generally in the best interest of the offender. In this role, a probation officer must know how to interview, how to obtain facts about an offender’s background, how to identify and distinguish surface from underlying problems, what community resources exist, and how to make referrals to such resources. In the law enforcement role, however, the probation officer is a control agent, an authoritarian figure, a threat to the offender’s conditional freedom. The dual role of probation is evident in the classic definition: “Probation strives to protect the community through the rehabilitation of the offender.” Given these conflicting roles, today’s probation officer is more likely to emphasize surveillance and control functions, holding the protection of the community as a higher priority than rehabilitation.
As a probation or parole officer, it is my duty to monitor the behavior and rehabilitation of my assigned clients. In this scenario, I would inquire if her boss had previous knowledge of her criminal record or background before hiring her. If he was aware of such knowledge, I would have to advise her to seek legal advice, because this could be considered as harassment within the workplaces. As her probation or parole officer, I would try to settle this matter peacefully, by observing the behavior of my client and investigating her complaint. Bullying and intimidation of a person can have a devastating effect and this is what her boss is accused of. I would also advise my client to look for another place of employment. I would furthermore advise
The field of Social Work that interests me is in the Criminal Justice Field, more specifically Juvenile Probation. Ever since I was a young child, everything about law enforcement and the criminal justice system has been a fascination of mine. By completing countless hours of volunteer work throughout my high school career, I’ve come to love working with the youth and being a mentor figure. Being able to play an active role in the lives of those children, and seeing a change in them, has helped shape me into the person I am today and was very rewarding. By taking on the job as a juvenile probation officer, I would be given the opportunity to live out both of my passions each and every day. Even though there are hardships that come along with
The neighborhood is primarily immigrants including Dominican and Puerto Rican. On the other hand, this community is beginning to go through gentrification because of more Caucasian coming into this neighborhood. Gentrification is the opposite of white flight because it brings in higher income people and businesses into a community so that lower class who can not afford to live there anymore must move to a more affordable location. In wealthier neighborhoods today, crime is actually increasing compared to the rest of New York City (Simeone). “Meanwhile, precincts in Manhattan South’s historically more crime-addled neighborhoods, including Chinatown, the Lower East Side, East Village and Midtown North, all saw overall crime decline compared with a year ago, figures show”
In video one, Bryson Ashford Is a free man, who is starting a career as a rapper in Porter, Texas. Bryson was charged as a juvenile in connection with the fatal shooting of a 19-year-old gas station worker in 2003. He served a five year three month today and for our sentence, Bryson was charged as a juvenile in connection with the fatal shooting of a 19-year-old gas station worker in 2003. He served a five year three-month two-day four-hour sentence. Since he is now free he is trying to better himself because he knows that if he gets into any trouble with the law he will go to jail and have a long and brutal sentence. In article one, it states “ there are several people that I represented back in the early 90s that are out, you know, and doing pretty well”. People who have done time are really trying to do well in life since many have lost half of their life in jail. Many people may say that once you leave prison your mindset is still set up as a criminal which is not entirely true because many people will leave do you want to do better and show others that they can do exactly what they can do to but they just need a little
The guest speaker has a lot of information over probation officers. He explained how probation officers need to know self-defense and have communication skills. He also told the class that probation officers should bring a police officer in bigger cities because it can be dangerous for probation officers to go alone. On the bright side, probation officers also get paid more if they live in a bigger city. I also learned that probation officers do not carry a gun on them. This information made an impact on me because I want to become a probation officer in the future and this information was helpful to me.
He went to these strangers that let him live with them. They fed him and let him stay there for a long period of time. Finally Alonza decided he wanted to go back home, but the stranger would not let him leave. He said “you think you can just live in my house, eat my food and just going to leave without having to pay? Nothing in this world is free”. The guy convinced Alonza to go and rob a local gas station. As he went to the gas station he threatened the store clerk and he tried running but the other employees held him down at gunpoint until the police came. He was charged as an adult and sentenced 13 years in adult prison at the age
Warrants are made and filed when a violation of probation occurs. The warrant must have the name of the officer, the specific violation the probationer is being charged with, the name of the probationer, and the basis of probable cause. The officer must swear that the facts given in the warrant are true, and ask for the judge to sign it. As noted by Harr and Hess (2008), the Fourth Amendment requires that to be reasonable, all arrests be made with a warrant based on probable cause. In this case, the probable cause is the sentence violation, also known as probation violation.