Case Study: Probation Officer's Statement

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Probation Officer’s Statement: Parole supervision was accepted by Portsmouth Court Service Unit for Armun Dozier as of February 25, 2016 after confirming that Armun’s family resided in the city of Portsmouth and plans were being put in place to release the youth from C.A. Dillon Center for Youth to his mother’s supervision. Records indicate, Armun was charged with discharging a weapon in an occupied premise. He was previously adjudicated on December 1, 2013, on charges of misdemeanor larceny and injury to real property.

Case Synopsis: On July 9, 2014, Ravonty Lemek Braswell was the driver. Markail Antonio Farmer was the passenger. Jelen Marquez Dozier and Armun Dozier was in the back seat of the Honda Accord. All subjects were driving around …show more content…

Additional offenses for which Armun was adjudicated include misdemeanor larceny and injury to real property. Armun was admitted to CA Dillion Youth Development Center on August 14, 2015. Armun received anger management, individual counseling and substance abuse services during his incarceration. Armun also completed Structured Psychotherapy for Adolescents Responding to Chronic Stress (SPARCS) group from May 2015 to August 2015.

Armun was released from C.A. Dillon Youth Development Center on April 4, 2016. He remains on parole supervision. Armun was placed on house arrest for 30 days on April 6, 2016. Life Skills Coaching through Positive Pathways started on April 15, 2016 and will end on July 23, 2016.

Armun currently lives with his mother and two younger siblings. He was released from C.A. Dillon Youth Development Center to her custody via Interstate Compact for Juveniles. Parole supervision was accepted for Armun prior to his release on February 25, 2016. Ms. Bandy relocated from Princeville, North Carolina to Virginia to provide a safe and better environment for Armun’s return …show more content…

The apartments are located within close proximity to local businesses, schools and religious assemblies. The family has transportation and can access most community resources available in the area. Multiple home visits have been conducted with the first on February 23, 2016, and the last on May 20, 2016. The apartment was clean, neatly furnished, and there were no visible defects or areas of concern. According to a recent demographic directory, the area consists of approximately 2,232 individuals and the average household income is approximately $58,159. The median household income is $49,910. The average household size is approximately 2.4 and the area has a diversity index of 62.1. Crime in the area is average with the population consisting of a lot of youth and single families. There are some gang and criminal activity noted to be in the

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