Case Study Of Oculus VR

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In this article it talks about how Facebook recently partnered with a video game company known as Oculus VR from an acquisition placed at 2 billion dollars which comes in lieu to the recent acquisition of WhatsApp. Oculus Virtual Reality is a new game accessories developer to emerge within the gaming industry in 2012. The company is known for developing an eyewear called Oculus Rift for people to put on and enter a virtual world of gaming. Though the goggles are in still in development stages, news surrounding it has increased the interest of video game usage from outsiders. The interaction which a person receives through wearing these goggles is overwhelming. The development of virtual worlds with the use eyewear is creating pressure for known video game developers that have hold huge stakes in this industry such as Sony. To counter this pressure Sony has proposed its own version of the accessory to debut on the Playstation 4 with unscheduled release in the future. Zuckerberg has plans already to expand the accessories purpose beyond video games which he gave in detail when he rel...

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