Augmented Reality: The Benefits Of Augmented Reality

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“…in the next few years, humanity's going to go through a shift… We're going to start putting an entire layer of digital information on the real world” (Gribetz, 2016). In his recent TED Talk,” Meron Gribetz encourages his audience to consider how such technology could transform the reality that we call the human experience by referencing augmented reality (Gribetz, 2016). Until the summer of 2016, augmented reality did not have a recognizable role in our lives. Then, came Pokémon Go, a game that gave many people their first notable, combined experiences of augmented reality and telepresence on their smartphones. Augmented reality is a medium that gives us the ability to experience the combination of reality and superimposed or virtual objects …show more content…

According to the uses and gratification theory, audiences are goal oriented and select media that satisfies their needs. Although needs vary per individual, in general, they can be classified into five categories. Cognitive needs involve increasing one’s understand by absorbing new information and social integrative needs concern creating and maintaining relationships. Tension release relates to the concept of escapism and personal integrative needs implicate reaffirming or gaining credibilityIn addition, augmented reality generates hedonic benefits such as enjoyment, physical activity, and flow. Flow, in particular, is denotatively linked to telepresence - it is defined as the “holistic experience that people feel when they act with total involvement.” When individuals experience flow, they feel in control, abandon their insecurities, and encounter a distortion of their temporal and subjective experiences (Rauschnabel, P. A., Rossmann, A., & tom Dieck, M., …show more content…

It currently is weak in several areas such as portability, outdoor use, calibration, depth perception, overload, over reliance and social acceptance (Van Krevelen, D.W.F. & Poelman, R, 2010). In his TED Talk, Meron Gribetz really emphasizes that in order to make that happen as we proceed with developing augmented reality, we need to “…really try and make an effort to imagine how we can create this new reality in a way that extends the human experience, instead of gamifying our reality or cluttering it with digital information.”(Gribetz, 2016). By acknowledging that this evolving technology is more than a game, we are allowing it to becoming more natural extension of our bodies, paving the way for technology that extends our reality, instead of limiting our senses - otherwise known as

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