Analysis Of Pokemon Go

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As a member of 8 years of the gaming community, I am proud to say I play Pokemon Go. Pokemon Go is a game in where you walk around and capture these creatures with Pokeballs. Some members of the Game Center don 't agree with the new augmented reality, and real world locations applications because they find it dangerous. Lately, the news has been broadcasting players getting hurt, jumped, and even arrested. Very few players found themselves in car accidents, being lured into gunpoint robberies, or making irresponsible mistakes like leaving children unattended, bumping into people, and wandering into private property. However, any of these incidents can occur by using other gaming, social media application, and/or just by simply using your At the beginning of Pokemon Go, players are required to select one out of three Teams. These Teams help you categorize yourself in terms of what you are looking forward to in the game. Team Instinct is also known as the yellow faction is all about trusting your gut and your Pokemon 's innate talent. Team Mystic also refers as the blue faction which is known for their intimidating focuses on Pokemon evolution. Team Valor a.k.a the red faction wants to be the very best and believes in bonding with Pokemon to tap into their inner strengths. The teams are set up for motivational factors. In the game, there are gyms which can be conquered by any team. Once a gym is claimed by a team it is the responsibility of the other factions to challenge it. This feature of the game helps create bonds between players. Choosing your team basically gives you a community of people who can back you up in your conquest for Pokemon and gyms. Friends typically choose different teams to engage in friendly rivalry. Factions have days in where they meet up to go capture Pokemon and challenge gyms in battles. Meeting new people is inevitable due to the amounts of players who are on each team. Age doesn 't matter when it comes to this augmented reality game due to the fact that Pokemon has been out since 1990. Parents play with their children In Pokemon Go real world monuments, statues, historical marker, and art installations are considered PokeStops. PokeStops in the game offer Pokeballs , Potions, Revives, and Eggs. In the real world, Pokes Stops offer information on the landmark. Using Pokemon Go will help you discover new facts about your neighborhood. Like many of the players, I don 't really know the cultural definition of my neighborhood. We typically define the neighborhood based on the negative aspects without realizing the history behind it. When I look around at the statues and monuments around my neighborhood, I really don 't know why they were placed there or what they stand for. Pokemon go makes an effort in pushing you to walk outside of your community thus exploration happens. After you visit a landmark and collect the items in the game the Poke Stop does not provide any more. Since the items run out quickly, you find yourself entering other neighborhoods seeking for more. While looking for these items you are exploring the different parts of your city while gaining background information. This feature is basically like a mini tour guide, It leads you to the landmarks, then provides a brief historical information on it. Including this feature in the games is very significant because you also get to learn new information about your neighborhood in a fun and engaging

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