Pokemon Go Argumentative Essay

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Pokemon Go Inquiry Should the creator of Pokemon Go be held liable for the injuries as a result of playing the game Pokemon Go is the top grossing game around the world. In the US there has been over 75 million downloads as a result, while playing Pokemon Go and there have been 1000 injuries a day in the US. This report is going to focus on the US. This report is going to tell you if the Pokemon Go company should be liable as a result of the injuries that have happened or if the Pokemon Go company shouldn’t be liable. The report has been weighing up the pros and cons if Pokemon should be liable or not. In the Us, Pokemon Go should not be held liable for any injuries, as a result of play the game. Pokémon Go is a free-to-play, location-based augmented reality …show more content…

He was out with his friends playing Pokemon Go and noticed a Poke stop at Parker Square. While walking he a sore a snake and got bitten by it. A man crashed into a school while playing Pokemon Go. He crashed into a Melbourne school and the police said that he was trying to capture a Pokemon when he crashed into the school. The car smashed through a fence and into a school portable building! No one was injured, but the car was. Two men fell off a cliff while playing Pokemon Go. They were in their early 20s and they fell down an estimated 50 to 90 feet down a cliff in Encinitas, California. Sheriff's Department Sgt. Rich Eaton said. The men sustained injuries, although the extent is not clear. One of the ways Pokemon go affects people's health is it helps with depression and anxiety. Since Pokemon Go has been released it has had surprising impacts. John M. a psychologist stated that users are taking to social media to report an unexpected improvement in their depression and anxiety as a result of playing the game.It turns out there might also be unexpected benefits for people suffering from mental health

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