Case Study: Ford Pinto

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According to a particularist, there is something defective with the whole process of coming up with a general standard of action of current problems. The acknowledgment of a judgment of what you should do, and then doing whatever the theory says depends on the involvement of a person and the situation. The theory that I can best relate to would be particularism due to the fact I don’t believe in following just one specific rule, being having to pick right from wrong. Particularism comes from the category of teleology, which are methods that are out to find the meaning or purpose of our lives, and judge our success or failure based on how well we have pursued that purpose.
A person who is a particularist as myself, rejects all ethical theories …show more content…

Henry Ford II, CEO of the Ford Corporation, was creating a competitive automobile to rival the foreign vehicles, he labeled the project a high priority. To launch the design and manufacturing of this automobile, Mr. Ford turned to his company president, Lido Anthony Iacocca aka “Lee: the father of the mustang”. The Fords Engineers staff, pressured by the upper management were rushed into completing the project at a unheard speed. The average time scale, to designed and produce a car, would take between 40 to 45 months. The Ford Corporation achieved it in 25. After performing rear collation test, the Fords Engineers discovered that in nearly all rear collision above 20 MPH would indicate that the gas tank would get puncture with the rear end differential placement bolts. This would allow for fuel to leak out and potentially burst into flames. The passengers will typically die in the flames due to the jamming of the doors, not letting the persons escape from the car. Iacocca had three possible courses of action he could of taken: 1.release the pinto the 11$ to fix the car issue 3. Wait till the car was well design so their would be the least flaws. If I were the one to decide what would of happened using the particularism approach: I would have to see that if I release the pinto there would be deaths involved due to the fact that the car was explosive, if I fix the car paying only 11$ I would have got more profits due to the fact that

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