Case Analysis Of Zappos

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Zappos, is an online retailer that combines shoes and social media remarkably well. The company is one of the earliest adopter of social media for marketing purposes and it has certainly taken a leadership position. Social media is a core part of Zappos’s business strategy, and they utilize this by using Twitter to collaborate with consumers, employees, vendors and investors. “Scores of blogger, lots of video blogging, and 198 employees on Twitter help keep the company’s profile high and humanize the folks behind the shoe sale” ( (Kirkpatrick, 2008). Additionally their business strategy is built around their company website and other popular social networking platforms such as Facebook, Pinterest and YouTube. The company continues to maintain …show more content…

Ask Zappos will find it for you, for free, from any store!” (Zappos Service, n.d.), was tweeted for its Twitter profile to its millions of followers on August 4th, 2015. Such is the way, Zappos is able to incorporate social media to promote its products and services. In fact, Tony Hsieh, the company CEO has a mere 1.7 million Twitter Followers to connect with him and the company. Tony himself regularly tweets to reach its customers, and forces all of his employees to tweet because he understands the strength of this tool for both his customers and employees. It can be said that Zappos as build their business entirely on this digital realm to tweet deals, special offers, offer customer service and updates from the company on a regular basis. One of the interesting thing about Zappos and its use of Twitter is the transparency that it has created with its’s customers. To create this transparency the company has built a dedicated Twitter page ‘What are Zappos employees doing right now?’ As the majority of the employees working for the company tweets regularly. Sometimes they tweet about how they help customers, what they are up to at any given moment, special offers, or other interesting resources off the Zappos website, or even why they love their jobs. Zappos likes to create a buzz, but they love to create a buzz about their …show more content…

And, in return, the company surprises their customers with favor such as a free next day delivery on your next purchase. If you are a new customer, even sometimes they will automatically upgrade your shipping to a priority shipping, thus creating a goodwill between Zappos and the first time customer. Other ways Zappos benefits from encouraging their customers to share their experience is that, it allows the company a chance to offer the customers a personalized and relatable updates through their Tweets and a direct communication. It is also another way for the company to do research and development. Occasionally the company receives e-mails from its customers explaining that, “I decided to buy from Zappos today, because I follow you on Twitter. I feel like I know you” (Schoultz, n.d.) In the age of empowered customers, an approach to social media helps companies keep their fingers on the “pulse of what’s important to their customers” (Success Center, n.d.). Business’s like Zappos and its uses of Twitter or other social networking platform to have collaborative interaction with customers and employees, allows the company to gain valuable insights and create long lasting

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