Carli Lloyd's Dedicated To The Goal

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Everybody knows that achieving success can be hard, and some even think that it is impossible. However, with hard work, a good mindset, and great goals, you have one of the best recipes to achieve success. The initial ingredient to success is to work hard. For example, the great women's soccer player Carli Lloyd had some challenges that tested her diligence and dedication to work hard, allowing her to become stronger in the process. In the text, "Dedicated to the Goal'' by Marty Kaminsky, Kaminsky revealed that as a kid, Lloyd “searched the neighborhood for tougher challenges, playing anyone who was willing" (8). Instead of sticking with the kids she knew she could beat, she went and found harder challenges, showing that she was fine with losing, …show more content…

The Ohio State Marching Band has amazing performances, leading them to be the best marching band in the country, but it doesn’t come freely. OSU’s Marching Band is “one of the most physically demanding marching bands in the country”...It’s a high-step march. Each step, your legs completely come off the ground. It’s like being on a stair master for 45 minutes.”” (42). That hard work, along with strict teachers and lots of practice, makes this amazing band shine. They have a growth mindset so they don’t get down if they mess up, which is another ingredient in the recipe for success. The next ingredient to success is having a good mindset. An example in “Cultivate Resilience: How to Get Back onto the Horse” by Rebecca Zucker is when psychologist Carol Dweck performed a study on kindergarteners. She would give them a math problem, and then increasingly add more challenging problems into the mix. The kids with a growth mindset were “inherently more curious and interested in the learning, even if they failed”. And when they did fail, they did not internalize the failure and take it as a statement about how good or smart they are.” …show more content…

That is one of the key components of having a growth –or a fixed– mindset. Along with hard work and good mindsets, setting goals properly is a skill that will help you be successful in life. The final ingredient to success is setting the proper goals. Two researchers named Gary Latham and Edwin Locke discovered that setting more challenging goals rather than easier goals increases motivation to accomplish said goals. In the text "The Theory and Power Behind Goal Setting" by Otylia Benson, Latham and Locke have a great statement about goals: "Goals are powerful tools to help us get what we want out of life" (5). In most situations, goals are a great way to achieve success and what we want. Latham and Locke also discover that there are five things that make a goal more likely to be achieved: “... clarity, challenge, commitment, measurable progress, and task complexity...the best way to stay motivated and be successful is to set goals, but the TYPE of goals you set—and the way you set them—matters to whether you will achieve them”

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