All staff members involved in providing career services must maintain the highest standards of ethical behavior as outlined in both the CAS and “Career Services Professionals” section of the National Association of College and Employers’ Principles for Professional Conduct (NACE). Adherence to these standards is extremely important, and Dr. Vinson proactively provides guidance and education on these standards to all persons involved in providing career services, which includes Associate Directors, Assistant Directors, Career Development Specialists, support staff, graduate assistants, and student workers. UNT’s Career Center office has access to all student academic’s records as well as other confidential information (CAS 2015). With this …show more content…
The relationships formed within the institution among faculty organizations, committees, and various departments are crucial to the Career Center’s overall growth and success on campus. UNT Career Center works closely with academic departments/colleges, student affairs departments, and alumni services. According to McGrath (2002), “For career services staff to be effective in helping students, they need the cooperation, support and understanding of campus administration and faculty” (p. 72). Per Dr. Vinson, the Career Center has been very successful in collaborating with other departments. For example, they work closely with each college as career counselors set up workshops based on the majors within each college. They also provide resume reviews, mock interviews, and job fairs that help students and alumni in determining the right career …show more content…
According to McGrath, “It is essential for career services to work closely with local employers because the knowledge and understanding gained from interaction with employers adds reality and credibility to career services staff when assisting students with career concerns” (2002, p.74). UNT Career Center has an Employer Development and Outreach team whose purpose is to collaborate with outside organizations and companies to find employment and education opportunities for their students and alumni. On the website, there is a link for employers, “Employers Connecting with the Career Center,” that welcomes and outlines to employers how they can get connected with the campus and career center. Mention the trip the staff took to tour Fidelity over spring break in this section
One of the CAS standards under this section that was unobtainable through either their website or in the office was how they have procedures and guidelines consistent with the institutional policy for communicating with the media; contracting with external organizations for delivery of programs and services; cultivating, soliciting, and managing gifts; and applying to and managing funds from grants.(Wordiness) It would be a recommendation to make this particular section available for viewing either in policy and procedures manual
Upon doing more research on the career clusters I found a very interesting program that the State of Illinois has underway. The program is entitled the Career Clusters and Pathways guide. What the program is intended to do is to improve on the paths that individuals take to get to higher education and careers. The initiative is a statewide approach to improving college and career-oriented programs that leads students to higher education and employment (2013, p. 3).
Career Cruising is an informational website and available at participating schools, public libraries, and employment agencies across North America. This program is intended to direct individuals towards appropriate career choices based on specific criteria, such as education, training and previous experience. Individuals can find this information database self-directed, user friendly and rewarding while presenting a variety of options to meet their personal needs. Not only does it offer assistance for the perspective individual in career development, but also on SAT/ACT preparation, online study guides, interview strategies and seminars by promoting growth and effective career opportunities.
2. To provide comprehensive career planning services that support all members of the Northeastern University community in identifying, planning, and implementing sound career decisions
Corey, G., Corey, M.S. & Callahan, P. (2007). Confidentiality: Ethical and legal issues. In Brooks/Cole (8th Ed.), Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions pp. 208-264.
(e) Counselors and professionals should be actively engaged in encouraging career workshops, exploration events, (c) Counselors should connect their African American students with community with outreach efforts, mainly through internships, job shadowing, and service learning projects. (G) Counselors and Professionals discuss with their African American Student their long term career goals, (h) Counselors should provide their clients with information on different career options in combination with additional career options in combination with additional back up plans. (I) career counselors and professionals should be knowledgeable about and build relationships with college extended African American, (J) Career counselors must totally understand that each client lives in a unique sociocultural context, (k) career professionals must be alert of the impact of discrimination and oppression and how they affect the worldview of culturally different clients. (L) It is vital that counselors and professionals remain updated on the most
Imperative 3 – The strengthening of the career services identity with the institution. The career services depart was very small! I do not feel it was advertised enough around campus to what services were offered. I learned of the career center by the recommendation of someone that did not attend the university. They had advised they visited their career center and urged me to do the same.
What I see as being two of the greatest challenges, for someone working as a human service professional, today - are the following: (1) having adequate places to refer a client to when others services are needed i.e., aftercare, housing, transportation, etc., or having to deal with lack of funds or waiting list due to state cuts and/or lack of staffing which also ties your hands, as a human service professional, when trying to find adequate services to meet the individual/s needs. Another challenge would be (2) keeping safe boundaries between and the client and yourself.
“Career One Stop Pathways to Career Success.” NC Employment Security Commission. 2 Sep. 2009. Web. 18 Feb. 2010.
Judson, K, & Harrison, C. (2010). Law & ethics for medical careers. New York, NY: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
I have known from an early age that I’ve wanted to become a doctor. Helping people has always been a passion of mine. When I was younger, I wanted to be a veterinarian. However, after working with young children I have found that I love working with them, and have a connection with children. Currently, I am interested in becoming either a neonatologist or a general pediatrician so I can continue to work with young children.
Colleges must prepare students for future work. Thus, these institutions must prepare their graduates to meet industry demands. There are institutional benefits to career preparedness, as such, school must see job placement as a platform. The focus of job placement must become part of the technical college identity. Administrators must attract and retain talented faculty who will be expected to wear many hats, teaching coaching and at the same time is a strategic partner who understands that partnering with administrators is expected to achieve college goals.
Seeking the services of a career counselor can provide many benefits. One can gain a deeper understanding of him/herself, gain information on education and careers, gain sills in decision-making, gain support in conducting a job search or applying to higher education, and gain support coping with career transitions (NCDA, “Why Seek Career Counseling, 2007). How a career counselor provides services depends on his or her theoretical approach to career counseling.
UNIVERSITY OF NICOSIA ONLINE MBAN-609DE: ORGANAISATIONS & HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ASSIGNMENT 1 STUDENT NAME: FRANKLYNE IKEDIASOR STUDENT ID NUMBER: R1404D101379 DATE: 22ND OF OCTOBER 2014 TUTOR; DR. LEONIDAS EFTHYMIOU INTRODUCTION The design of the UK national health service brings with it challenges bordering on the number of staff required to provide services and most importantly designing criteria for selecting appropriate staff for the service. The service has to select and deploy efficient hands and increase its productivity.
Colleges and universities need to be structured so that they prepare students for specific career roles, as well as give them a level of appreciation for the world in which they live. Brewer’s succe...
The career services professional supports the educational mission of a college by assisting students to develop, evaluate, and pursue career aspirations with the goal of securing employment. Career services professionals accomplish these goals with a range of programs, counseling and services designed to help students make the connection between the academic environment and the workplace.