Career Plans Essay

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Which university will you attend? What are you planning on majoring in? Are you going to move out after high school? What are your career plans? Questions I hear daily, yet remain unanswered. This is just a small part of the struggles we teenagers face every single day. Balancing school, extra curriculars, work and a social life all while maintaining physical and mental health proves to be practically impossible these days. Although our parents try their best to make our transition into adulthood as seamless as possible, it happens in the blink of an eye. One day you’re being treated like a child and the next you’re expected to be a well rounded young adult able to provide for yourself and handle the weight of the real world. As a child, I never understood why people would complain about having to go to school. You got to see your friends, play outside and even learn some new things. Now that the fun and games are a thing of the past, I think I finally understand. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy learning and I’m always searching for ways to further my education but even after spending the last 13 years of my life cooped up in classrooms, I don’t feel fully prepared for the reality I will be facing in 10 short …show more content…

But where are we supposed to find time for all these things? We wake up bright and early for a day of learning, then it’s off to either our after school activities or work leaving only a small fragment of time for homework and socializing with our peers. I learned the hard way that I have a tendency to bite off more than I can chew which leaves me feeling incredibly overwhelmed due to my lack of free time to unwind. Although it appears to be a simple task, finding a happy medium between these aspects of teenage life is extremely complicated and is most easily found by trial and

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