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About career planning
About career planning
Importance of career decision-making
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A career map is a visual approach to career management. It is used as a guide to excellence in the changing workforce. It can be used to help model a goal of what someone wants in a career and the different options they may have. Career maps help build guidance for people in the workforce and develop organizational systems.
Purpose, and Benefits of a Career Map
A career map can be vital to success in the workforce. It gives a vision of where someone is going and what they need to do to get there. It gives an understanding of all the career options one has and to decide between different professions. Career maps contain information for organizational needs and individual talents. Career mapping provides keys to questions that people should ask themselves based on experience, accomplishments, education, and
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That is why being flexible and making changes is necessary to having a well prepared and efficient career map. Reviewing your career map is important to stay on track and to make adjustments as needed. Something important to know is that your career map is not set in stone and needs to be adjusted every so often. Many things can happen to make your plan change. Some examples of this include family issues, your health, or even just a change in interest of the career you want. Learning from experience and being open to change is a key part of making a career map. Career mapping is used as guidance for your career. Knowing where you want to go in your career is the first step to making a career map. Having a guide and staying focused on what you want to achieve is also important. Setting goals and eliminating distractions will help you in your career map. A need for flexibility and being open to changes is vital in the process of a career map. Facing problems head on and adapting to the situation is important when adjusting your career
Upon doing more research on the career clusters I found a very interesting program that the State of Illinois has underway. The program is entitled the Career Clusters and Pathways guide. What the program is intended to do is to improve on the paths that individuals take to get to higher education and careers. The initiative is a statewide approach to improving college and career-oriented programs that leads students to higher education and employment (2013, p. 3).
Have you ever been in a position where you where stuck and couldn’t decide between two careers? Whether it was something that you love to do or something that pays well? The answer may seem easy to you but when you start comparing the facts; that’s when it gets hard to choose. For many of us, graduates and people around the world have a difficult time choosing a career that can be a confusing process. A lot of people tend to settle down on a career quickly. Unfortunately, choosing a rapid occupation often leads to an unsatisfying path in the future, if not sooner. Eventually the individual decides to quit and start all over again. According to choosingacareer.net, “6% of workers over the age 50 are in the process of changing a career, resumes mailed to companies’ staffing departments only accounts for 3% of hires nationwide, and 95% of human resources managers and 95% of job seekers depend on personal contacts and networking to fill and find openings.” (choosingacareer.net) Choosing a career takes time and research, so it’s better to plan your future than rapidly pick one. Although some people claim they are happy with the career they chose of the bat, choosing a career carefully is much more effective because in the long run you will feel content and appreciate more with the choice you made.
Career Cruising is an informational website and available at participating schools, public libraries, and employment agencies across North America. This program is intended to direct individuals towards appropriate career choices based on specific criteria, such as education, training and previous experience. Individuals can find this information database self-directed, user friendly and rewarding while presenting a variety of options to meet their personal needs. Not only does it offer assistance for the perspective individual in career development, but also on SAT/ACT preparation, online study guides, interview strategies and seminars by promoting growth and effective career opportunities.
Truck driving is a much needed career to help transport goods across the United States and other local areas. Commercial Truck Driving is the career I choose to uphold. Trucking is a way of transportation needed to keep business going. Trucking has been a part of my family for years so I fell in love with trucks now I won’t to drive my own. This career has a good background, career requirements, job positions, and a good reflection.
Application of career theories to my own life allows for analyzing past and future career decisions. Holland’s Theory of Careers states that one’s vocation is an expression of self, personality, and way of life. There is an indisputable and fundamental difference in the quality of life one experiences if they choose a career one truly enjoys, versus choosing a career one detests. A true testament to the validity of Holland’s theory, my job/career choices reflect my interests, as well as the evolution of my personality (internal self). My first job as a fine jewelry specialist and second job as a make-up artist echo my love of the fashion world. As I matured and became less fascinated by presumed “glamour” careers, I became captivated by physical fitness, nutrition, and medicine; I received my national fitness trainer certificate so that I may become a personal trainer. Nevertheless, my career decisions do not fit uniformly into merely one career theory.
It is imperative to understand yourself in your career development. No matter what your career stage, it is essential to assess your personal goals, interpersonal skills, strengths, weaknesses and desires to keep
The tool is affordable, reliable, valid, easy to use, and yields a wide range of information that can be extremely useful in career counseling. Although anyone can use the tool to identify the best career option, it is important to seek the services of a career counselor in interpreting the instrument’s results. Career counselors are trained in career guidance and can accurately interpret and analyze the instrument’s results while considering an individual’s
career journey. The career action plan that I have outlined provides a strategy to steer my chosen career in the right direction by offering assistance in managing my career path. It can also assist in developing the necessary skills and knowledge for the job and provide guidance on how to reach them. The outline helps to identify strengths and weaknesses, allowing me to work towards improving areas that need development to enhance my career.
Career development is a continuous process of handling proactively work and changes in life in order to move forward and reach the goals set for a better future. It involves learning new skills, moving up in the position within the organization or altogether moving to new organization or even starting up a new business. A career development plan is created to set goals and how to reach these goals using your talents and skills in the working world. A five year plan is ideal to start with, as five years are enough to reach bigger goals while working for and achieving smaller goals.
Career change can be incorporated into the tran-theoretical model of change (TTM) to examine the lifespan and approaches to career development. “With the new paradigm of modern workers facing repeated career changes due to voluntary and involuntary turnover, a model outlining the change processes may contribute to more effective counseling strategies” (Barclay, 2010). Although, this model does not reflect the path of career changers, it offers an explanation of why people change careers when they leave
Career planning is essential in developing the diversity program and allows employees a roadmap to company’s senior level positions. By developing the plan, one knows that the company is committed to diversity.
All college students should partake in career exploration project because it gives structure and direction. The result from an assessment identifies and prioritizes which careers will best suit an individual person or student. It does not necessarily mean they have to pick that particular job or career; it gives them more chooses to choose from. Career exploration is a life long journey that is emotionally, physically and mentally stress full. I say lifelong because as time goes on so does an individual’s views, abilities and skills. Career exploration is very helpful to a career, because it improves a person's ability to become informed of their interests, skills, values, abilities, aptitudes, weaknesses and strengths It helps in the guidance of career matters across the nation, job influence, growth, work hours opportunities to name a few. An individual needs to remember that when doing this career exploration project to keep in mind that money is only a temporary fix. In the beginning it may bring you joy and happiness but as time goes on it will not keep up personal enjoyment i...
People careers are developed in organisations; we can sense the characteristics of the traditional career in the typical traditional deal between organisation and employee, when employees offer loyalty, conformity and commitment while employers offer security of employment, career prospects, training and development and care in trouble, (Baruch, 2001, p. 544). Long term employment with hierarchy career development is mostly what characterises traditional careers. Walton (1999, p. 214), described the traditional career development in an organisation by saying; “Traditionally, many organisations had well established career progression routes for those see...
Some day you might find yourself sitting at your desk wondering what life would be like if you’ve chosen a different career path. In today’s world, it doesn’t even need to be a distant dream – career change is possible and a lot of people take the steps to change their career paths in wild ways.
The career services professional supports the educational mission of a college by assisting students to develop, evaluate, and pursue career aspirations with the goal of securing employment. Career services professionals accomplish these goals with a range of programs, counseling and services designed to help students make the connection between the academic environment and the workplace.