Canadian Work Experience

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How do you get Canadian Work Experience?

Surely, every immigrant who has experienced applying for a job for the first time in Canada knows that being asked about work experience is inevitable. The reason: most Canadian employers want to hire someone who is familiar not only with the job post being offered but also with other related matters such as workplace culture, expectations, level of service, and so on.

Canadian employers ask for “Canadian Work Experience” for a reason.

The most obvious answer to this perhaps is that it diminishes the need for further training, which also means cutting down costs and saving time. They demand it to avoid dealing with industry standards and SOP differences unavoidable when hiring a foreign worker. …show more content…

1. Volunteer work

For most Canadian employers, volunteer work can be credited to work experience since it teaches you a lot of things that can be beneficial to your new job. For one, this can help you practice your language skills, especially if you’re from a non-English/French-speaking country. It can also be a good source of new knowledge that can be relevant to the position you’re applying to.

2. Part-time/temporary work

This could be a service crew at Tim Horton’s or waiting tables at Yum, or any temporary work that has something to do with the job you’re applying for. Say, if you’re aiming for an entry level position at a marketing firm, a few months of doing all sorts of sales can already be considered as “experience.”

3. Freelance …show more content…

The crucial part here is your portfolio, so it should be exemplary to convince the hiring manager and the CEO that you’re the one they’ve been looking for.

4. Be a startup owner

It sounds grandiose, but you don’t have to put up a corporation to become a business owner. Some immigrants do this by simply setting up their operations online where they can sell items or offer services such as design, content, consultancy, or assistance. The downside is that it has to be lucrative in order to convince the employer that your self-employment did really teach you skills that can be valuable to his company. But if your online company becomes a hit, do you think it’s still sensible to look for a job?

5. Reference letter

Canadian companies value reference letters, especially if it’s from another reputable Canadian organisation or firm. You also get it from volunteering or doing part-time work. Reference letter from your country of origin can also be deemed valid by Canadian employers if your previous job dealt with a Canadian company or operations. For instance, if you worked for an outsourcing firm, or if your previous company has a Canadian

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