Canadian Stereotypes In Canada

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anadian Stereotypes, Eh?

How Canadian Stereotypes Have Influenced Our Past

Stereotypes are an oversimplified idea of a person, place, or thing. They have been going around the world for a long time and they are not new, they have been going on since before Canada was its Country. Stereotypes have affected immigration of the past all the way to our current Canadian identity. Some of the ones I'm about to show you, have influenced Canadas past.

Canada was an untouched wilderness-It wasn’t. It was occupied by First Nations, people.

France and Britain of the 16-1700's viewed Canada as a breadbasket and a food source for their people-It had a lot of wildlife, like Cod fish, but was still being utilized by First Nations' people.

Settlers …show more content…

Let's make this clear. The way Canadians say the word about comes from our British ancestors from Canada, and it is way closer to the word aboat than aboot. As stated in an interview with linguist (a person skilled in foreign languages) Charles Boberg the researcher in the field of sociolinguistics (is the descriptive study of the effect of any and all aspects of society), this sound is known as "Canadian raising," and is one happens when the "ou" comes before sounds that have no vocal cord vibration, like "t" in out.


Another stereotype is that all Canadians are socialists or democrats. While we may be more sympathetic to or tending toward the left in politics in general than The U.S., Canada is a long distance from an egalitarian(meaning equal or equalism), capitalist-hating community, as revealed by our Prime Minister for the last eight years. Yes we have gay marriage and universal health care, but on a way less impressive note, we also have wealth inequality that rivals other countries.

Health Care is …show more content…

Although I hear it a lot from many different sentences its not in every sentence we say and usually in only 10% of them. "Eh" is an interjection in English that means what?, huh?, excuse me?, or can you repeat that? Its also used as a question tag like "its nice here, eh?


Another well known stereotype is that all Canadians are extremely polite. We say thank you and sorry all the time. This is true, but It doesn’t mean every time we say it, we mean it. A lot of people say "I haven't met someone from Canada who isn't polite! What a nice country." Or "There is like no crime there. Its awesome!" We have big crime rates too. If Saskatoon was as big as Toronto, Saskatoon would have the biggest crime rate in Canada!

Maple Syrup

This one is probably the most true on the list of Canadian stereotypes. Canadians love maple syrup and put it on everything. The first part is true, however all we put syrup on is pancakes, waffles, and sometimes even bacon, but we don’t put it on spaghetti, chicken, macaroni, cottage cheese, or maybe even water. Even though there had been a robbery where someone in Canada stole 10,000 barrels of maple syrup and was even nicknamed the "sweetest"

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