Effects Of Imperialism In Canada

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If we treat everyone how we treated the First Nations, the world would be a terrible place to live. The First Nations were assimilated into modern day society through many things including; residential schools, racism, and the thoughts and beliefs the Europeans presented to them. This was a dark time for Canadians and there will always be a dent in our name because of what we did. How the First Nations were assimilated, how imperialism affected them, and what has been caused are the key points in which I will be talking about today. Nobody wants to live in a world where you aren’t accepted.

The First Nations were assimilated through a series of things. First off, the treaties. The Europeans proposed treaties where they would steal their land in return for things like food and supplies. The Europeans not only lied and didn’t follow their word, but were also slowly stealing their culture. With the land the First Nations owned, there was special ceremonies and traditions that would be forgotten when they gave it to the Europeans. Secondly, residential schools were created after the passing of the Indian Act in 1876. The government was required to provide indigenous youth with an education and integrate them into society. Life at a residential school was not fun. Students spent half the say in a classroom, and the other working. The theory behind this was that students would learn skills that would allow them to be successful adults. The …show more content…

If the Europeans didn’t want to extend their power then why would they come to the new land in the first place? Everything that happened to the aboriginals was because of imperialism. The whole reason the Europeans tried assimilated them was because of passed events leading up to the Indian Act. Imperialism is certainly, to me, imperialism was the whole reason behind everything that happened to the First Nations. From assimilation, to being kicked off their own

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