The American Cultural Invasion of Canada

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The American Cultural Invasion of Canada “ Canada 's national obsession seems to be its own identity.” For many years Canada has feared the increasing influence of its North American neighbors on its culture - the United States . It has become a matter of growing concern for the people of power and influence in Canada to maintain their separate cultural identity and to promote their own cultural norms. Gaetan Tremblay presents his views on this topic and does this from the perspective of a person living and working in Quebec. Tremblay, keeping in mind that the two regions – Canada and the United States , share some aspects of a common cultural heritage; reminds the readers there is certainly a separately identifiable Canadian culture. It is safe to say that cities like Toronto , which are no different than any metropolitan city in the United States , have been victims of cultural invasion. On the other hand cities mostly in Quebec like Montréal that are less Americanized in a relative sense are still struggling to defend themselves from the American influence which is spreading faster and faster in North America and around the globe. In his article, Tremblay highlights the issue of the “ great efforts that have been made to preserve Quebecs unique qualities English - speaking citizens of Canada and the United States who "surround" them, not only geographically but also economically and politically.” Tremblay tackles this issue by comparing the broadcasting policies by authorities in Canada , Quebec and United States . The policies in Canada clearly exist to maintain their national identity and cultural sovereignty. It is encouraged to use the “Canadian ways” to carry out functions which would be Canadian a... ... middle of paper ... ...Y, Emily (December 17, 2000). “ An American Guide to Canadian Media” Online at: , consulted on February 12, 2004. “ Québec Studies Journal” Online at , consulted on February 11, 2004. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. “ Culture of Quebec.” Online at: , consulted on February 9, 2004. O DODSON, Edward. “Canada: an idea that must survive”. Online at: , consulted on February 9, 2004. TUNSTALL , Jeremy. “The Media Are American: Anglo-American Media in the World.” London: Constable, 1977. “IV The Impact Of The CTF B. Impact of the CTF on quality”. Online at: , consulted on February 13, 2004.

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