Campaign Speech Reflection

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I have been listening to campaign speeches by several presidential hopefuls both Democrats and Republicans. You know what impresses me the most? Nothing! Except for three, maybe four candidates, there was not much substance to the speeches. Although a few good ideas floated here and there, the speeches contained little more than the name calling and finger pointing expected from politicians. Of course, it is still very early, so that may change as the campaigns progress; I hope so. The biggest disappointment was the lack of specifics in the speeches. Most of the presidential candidates spoke to the issues such as health care, education, and immigration, but for the most part, they only alluded to how they would address those issues. It was clear many of them still have much work to do on the details of their plans if they have a plan at all. Finger pointing and rabble rousing are still used too frequently to get a clear picture of what many of the candidates truly stand for or have to offer. Their speeches would have been fine if they were running for local office or state governor; the content was far below what …show more content…

If he wants to repeal The Affordable Care Act, he should be prepared to tell all Americans why and show them his plan to replace it. If a candidate wants to get rid of Common Core Standards or scrap the public school system, that is well and good, but he should be prepared to enlighten the people as to why and show them a better way of doing education. If a candidate is against illegal immigration, I get it, but please, tell me your step by step plan to resolve the issue. I want the presidential candidates to get down to the nitty gritty of how they can do the job of president better and shut up with generalizations that amount to little more than stirring up a pot of jaw flapping

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