Lobbying Reflection

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This assignment had broadened my understanding of how the legislative process of making a bill into the law and how important it is for us as citizens to know how to advocate for solutions to certain social issues. This assignment has given me great insights in lobbying our legislature and Senate to achieve change by giving me a chance to go and meet the state representatives and senators of my district. Moreover, joining with a specific lobby group.
The bill that my group were lobbying for was Washington HB1379 and it is about implementing a comprehensive approach to suicide prevention and behavioral health in higher education and is something I truly believe in, because I had a very close relative who had committed suicide at the age of 17 and I believe that if there was education like there is today back when he committed suicide, I believe it could have been prevented. …show more content…

Moreover, meeting my district state representatives where I had the pleasure of speaking on behalf of forefronts lobby group for my district, I got to speak to state senator office intern about HB 1379 and more specifically Representative David Sawyer who represents district 29 of the state of Washington. All the research and activities on this project was very interesting and so educational words could not express how I feel about the experience I have gained throughout the process of this project. The one take away from this experience is that in order for my voice to be heard I must advocate so people can

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