Cadbury Schweppes

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Cadbury Schweppes

Criterion 1F

My chosen businesses are Cadbury Schweppes, which is a PLC COMPANY,

and Formbend is my LTD company. I chose these two businesses because I

love Cadburys chocolate and thought it would be interesting to study

and it also has a very informative website. I chose Formbend Tube

Manipulators because my Uncle is the Technical Director for the

company and said that he would be able to give me all the information

I need.

I know that there are lots of different Cadbury sites across Britain

but my main focus will be the Bournville site in Birmingham. See

appendixes and .

History of Cadbury

John Cadbury founded Cadbury in 1824. See appendix He developed his

name as a chocolate manufacturer in 1831 by creating Cadbury’s

drinking chocolate. See appendix .John Cadbury’s first shop was on

Bull Street in Birmingham. See appendix .Then in 1847 the business

had expanded and needed bigger premises so they moved to Bridge Street,

which had its own canal linking the factory to the Birmingham

Navigation Canal and the main ports in Britain. John Cadbury retired

in 1861 and handed the business on to his two eldest sons Richard and

George. The business ran from that site for 32 years, but then

expanded even more which found them moving to Bourneville. See

appendix .George Cadbury spurred the idea of better living conditions

in Britain, which resolved in the Bourneville homes, which now cover

over 1,000 acres.

Aims and Objectives


Cadbury’s objective is to keep up the high standards of chocolate and

to continue to make a difference too many people involved in the

Bourneville site. They also want to make a profit on sales and to beat

other competitors such as Nestle. Cadbury’s also want to continue

making good quality products so they survive and maximise sales. They

also need to make sure that they are environmentally friendly and make

sure that quality is kept at a very high standard.


1. To continue to lead in the area of community interest

2. To introduce new products successfully to customers

3. To continue to help fund education in a number of ways

4. To improve communication with customers to help improve the

standards of chocolate

5. To have a higher quality of products than other competitors.

6. To sell a lot of the products that they have and imp[rove any that

need to be improved.

7. To take part in more activities than they did last year to get a

good public voice.

For Cadbury to achieve these aims and objectives they must spend a lot

More about Cadbury Schweppes

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