Bullying Should Be Taught In Schools

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Bullying has become an extremely severe unfortunate situation during this past generation and it is affecting multiple children and teenagers in many different ways. It is unbelievable to think that such children and teenagers may ruin others lives by the way they treat them whether it is fighting, insulting, or calling them meaningful names. Being bullied or cyberbullied is no joke, although the people who bully others see it that way when attacking others that do not deserve to be treated that way. In fact, no one deserves to be bullied no matter the circumstance because it is something exceedingly cruel that should not be wished upon no one. Surprisingly, bullying happens the most in high schools and through social media and has become popular …show more content…

This survey was given to many staff members which were teachers, counselors, principals, vice principals, security guards, secretaries, and custodians. As well as given to students from the ages 13 through 18. The type of questions that were asked in this survey to the staff were ones like why bullying exists, how staff can help, if they know the code of conduct, or if they have ever had to intervene in a bullying situation. For the students at Madera High School, the type of questions asked were ones like have they ever been harassed because of gender, religion, or culture, have they ever experienced a form of bullying, and how did it make them feel, and if they ever went to someone for help. Many data was collected based off of this research with great facts and statistics to help inform what bullying and cyberbullying has come to. A variety of different opinions and facts were said on this survey about the way students and staff at Madera High School feel about bullying and cyberbullying. Also, staff and students spoke about the things they have done to deal with these types of situations they have came across. Situations like these are very difficult to open up with, which is why it is important to try and help as well as observe those that seem like are having any type of problems whether it is at school, social media, or at home to change their lives in an extreme positive

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