Bullying Should Be Taught In Schools

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When the internet was internet no one thought it was going to get this big as it is today. Many people said it would get big for a few years then go back down and things would go back to “normal”. But they never thought their idea of normal would change. No one could have imagined at that time about how would have to be protecting our kids online more than just at school against their own classmates. The thing about internet bullying is no one thought it could have happened or could have gone this bad. Kids are bullied more online than on any other plate from. Kids bully each other because of online because they are the least fear to do it there because they are hidden behind a white glowing screen. Bullying is done on social media outlets all the …show more content…

Telling students the things you say will come back and haunt you. What is on the internet never leave you it stays forever. Kids nowadays have a cell phone on them starting at the age of ten. Ten years old don’t understand internet safety and well most parents look through their kid's phone most don’t. Schools don’t have a legal right to keep tabs on students and look into their phone without permission. When students sign into the school's Wifi on their cell phone then school have a legal right too because you are using the school wifi. Many high school students don’t understand that when you log in to the wifi they can track everything you do but once you are off it is good. Schools should focus more on teach students at a young age to be internet safe and not to bully each other so when the time comes for a job their past will not come back to haunt them. Ideas for schools to help students become internet safe is to have club in there schools talking about the internet, have internet safety weeks that have a whole week devoted to internet safety and you can throw a little fun into it with dress up days. It will be hard to stop internet bullying as a whole but if we start now things can only get

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