Bullying In School Essay

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At some point or time I believe everyone has experienced bullying in one form or another. It could have been someone being bullied, or someone they knew, maybe it was even them doing the bullying. School can be a painful place for adolescences. It can be difficult not just because of trying to receive good grades, but also because there exists an environment in schools which they have to try and fit into. The demands a kid feels to fit in among their peers can be difficult and sometimes even unattainable. Those who cannot do so, often become victims of bullying and are harassed by the more “popular” kids. Bullying has always been a troublesome problem for schools of all kind, all over the world.
For the majority of kids bullying seems …show more content…

Ersilia Menesini, most bullying starts in the home. Children who experience bullying at home, either from parents or older siblings, would be more likely to take out their frustration on weaker students at school. If the parents display bullying traits when dealing with people, then this could be a behavior their kids could pick up. Peer pressure is also a big factor in bullying. Kids have such a need to fit in that students that normally would not engage in such behavior, might if they thought it would impress peers or make them cool. Even some children who might possibly be a target for bullying, might act out in an attempt to win approval and keep out of the limelight …show more content…

Most people confuse bullying with a fight or altercation between two students. That is not necessarily true. Bullying has two main components: repeated physical, verbal, or psychological harmful acts, and an imbalance of power. Bullying includes assault, intimidation, spreading rumors, demands for money, destruction or theft of property , or name-calling. This usually takes place towards or against a victim, who is outnumbered, weaker, or less resilient. In the United States, bullying can also include sexual harassment and ostracism based on sexual orientation” (Smith 1-9). Being bullied has effects that can last far beyond school days. There are a number of negative side effects victims can experience from being tormented. Children could become depressed or experience bouts of anxiety. Kids being teased about their weight might start to have poor diets or develop an eating disorder. They could experience a loss of interest in once favored activities. A usual overachiever might show signs of deterioration through his or her grades. It can leave the victim having issues as an adult with obtaining

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