Bullying Essay

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Bullying has serious short-term and long-term effects on persons physical and mental health. When it comes to bullying, there are three types of individuals. The bully, the victim, and the bully-victim. The bully is the person who is mistreating others by singling them out. The victim is the person on the receiving end of the mistreatment. The bully-victim is the person who is experiencing both ends of the equation. Many people falsely believe that bullying does not harm kids and it just a “regular” part of growing up. But it does, and there are many long-term effects that come from someone being bullied. A victim of bullying is more likely to develop psychiatric illnesses, can be diagnosed with a serious illness, are more likely to smoke cigarettes, become an alcoholic and abuse substances. They also tend to have difficulty maintaining long term relationships. Bullying is classified as intentional behavior that is harmful and that occurs repeatedly over time. It is described by an imbalance of power and it has continuos effects on whoever the victim is. Bullying can come in four different forms. The four types of bullying include: verbal, social, physical or cyber bullying. Verbal bullying includes but is not limited to, name calling and teasing. Social bullying is spreading rumors, ignoring people and leaving them out purposely, and breaking up friendships, “just because.” Physical bullying includes but is not limited to, punching, hitting, kicking or shoving someone. Cyber bullying is using the Internet, a cellphone, an iPad, or any other electronic devices as your shield in order to deliberately cause harm to others. Most research is often targeted toward violence in schools or on the victimization of peers rather than just... ... middle of paper ... ...hers making a particular syllabus and curriculum, giving their students a bullying questionnaire each month, participating in the bully box, and sending bad or disruptive students to the re-think room. The syllabus that supports the practices of their students being kind, using communication, having a sense of what teamwork is and promoting the relationship of friendship. The curriculum will include lessons and various hands on activities that will have a primary focus on empathy, anger management, and the skills that are needed to resolve conflicts. My program shows that it is effective psychologically because it helps children with their altruistic behaviors, the reciprocity norm plays a role, it helps determines ones self-concept, and shows that even a bully can have self-determination, self-discipline, self-control and that their self-presentation will increase.

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