Bullying Case Study

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The proportion of children who is exposed to bullying is eighty-six present with age range between 12 and 15.(the book) Bullying is a problem that got people attention since it became wide spread among children and young adult. This issue also has been studied by psychologists to reach the core of the problem and to analyze its dimensions. These studies include definition of bullying, type of bullying, and how family relation associated with being bully or victim.
Bullying can be define as “ intentional, usually recurrent, action designed to inflict physical and psychological harm on another person or persons by one or more persons and is part of a complex interplay of dominance and social status”( Marsh,). Bullying can take place when a target child exposed to social egression by some of his or her peers, who perceive hem or her in lower state. Aggression behaviors and bullying can be confused together as perceiving them as they are the same thing but they are not. Aggression behaviors and bullying can be confused together as perceived as they are the same thing. They are not the same think because psychologists explained that aggression behaviors are the aggressive actions that people express against each other for specific period of time. While bullying on the other hand, is continuous aggression against specific person in which, this person exposure to aggressiveness is not limited to a one time incident. ”( Marsh, H). Being a bully or a victim sometime is not exclusive to certain individuals or groups because sometimes individual play both roles. An individual can be a bully due to his or his past experience of being bullied. Contrary, a former bully can be a victim as a consequence of his or her past behavior.( Marsh,)

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...ir peer and socially rejected are more likely to be a target victims. In addition, target victims are perceived as in low states and unpopular among their peers. (Perren,) These are strong risk factors because Individuals who are social are usually have support and protected by their peer unlike unsocial individuals. (Perren,) In contrast, bullies are not necessary preserve as unpopular or in lower social states. They even sometimes preserved as leader and popular among their peers just as “non-involved children.” (Perren,)
An important key element in bullies and victims relation is power imbalance. Bullies, who often have more physical power and higher social status, use this power to dominate target victims. The target victim is selected when the bullies know that they have more power and the selected victims will not be defend them self or seek support. (Marsh,)

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