Bullying: The Different Types Of Cyberbullying

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Types of Bullying There are numerous types of bullying, whether it be the traditional physical bullying, verbal bullying, sexual bullying, or even the indirect type of bullying where someone damages your belongings. Today there is a new bullying epidemic called cyberbullying, which according to Smith (2008), is described to be an aggressive and intentional act of bullying carried out by one or more individuals. It is generally carried out in some sort of electronic devise, such as a phone or a computer. The bully will usually use Facebook, text messages, or even private e-mail’s to repeatedly torment their victim. When being cyberbullied, a victim cannot easily defend themselves due to the fact that he or she is not face-to-face with the …show more content…

Especially when adolescents are surrounded by peers. But its prevalence seems to occur mostly in schools and it is shown that most students will experience some sort of bullying in their adolescent schooling years. Research suggests that verbal abuse is the most common type of bullying today and following verbal abuse is relational and physical bullying. Cyberbullying seems to be growing with time but it is a lot more difficult to calculate because of the way bullies go about it (A. James, 2010).
The Different Roles of Bullying An individual would think that traditionally speaking there is just a bully(s) and a victim, but recently a new category has sprung up making four different roles being played in the acts of bullying. As reported by Solberg, Olweus, and Endresen (2007) a new category of bully/victims has materialized within the context of bullying, which in turn makes up four different roles: bullies, victims, bully/victims, and the uninvolved.
The Bully Oftentimes the aggression bullies put out on their victims is a way of getting what they want or to give them a sense of belongingness. It is also the way they “problem solve.” The bully generally has a more positive outlook on the aggression they show others, even though there is not one morally positive aspect about

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