Brazil Essay

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Brazil, as well as other countries in South America, or even in Europe, has been reforming its public policies for High School Education (a three-year course for students aged between 15 and 17. High school is required for entry in College).

Since September 2015, when more than 200 countries have agreed on the new Global Sustainable Development Objectives for Agenda 2030, item number 04 states that all the participant countries should pursue the quality in educational for the next 15 years. Such quality would pass through the expansion of Integrated High School to the Professional Technical High School, a necessary condition for industrial economies in order to have skilled workforce.

The World Bank and the Organization for …show more content…

13,415 will supposedly provide democratic and universal access to young people when choosing about their future before starting high school. At this stage of education (starting at age 15), young people may choose between a more general high school program divided by areas of concentration such as biological, humanities, languages or mathematics) or a technical/professional high school. Thus, the student should have five (5) possibilities of choice (five fields of studies), as the technical/professional branch being the new trend of the new regulation. To date, the integrated high school education to the technical high school, the Federal Institute in Brazil is the one that offers the professional high school through its 644 schools that attend an average of 600 thousand students. Nevertheless these institutions follow their own educational agenda.

There has never been in all Brazilian educational history such a regulation that brute forces all Brazilian provinces and without any further discussion the implementation of a public model of professional high school education, which is public, because it will be offered free of charge to all students who opt in for it, but a mixed of public-private, since the same regulation allows public money to be invested in private companies when the goal is the professionalization of young people.

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