Bowlby Attachment Theory Case Study

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The final theory I will be looking at is Bowlby’s attachment theory and how this will affect a child who has an incarcerated parent. Attachment theory has a big influence on child care policies and principles of basic clinical practice for children. Bowlby was influenced by ethological theory, especially by Lorenz’s (1935) study of imprinting. John Bowlby 's theory states that having attachments with our primary caregivers from a young age will allow us to grow and develop as a person. Having these attachments makes us feel safe and secure and acts a secure base for the child. Having a secure attachment will enable children to take the risks necessary to grow and develop. Children who have a strong attachment will be more adventurous and will This theory is relevant to my first key issue because contact with a parent can be important in developing key relationships and if a child 's parent is in prison it will be hard to build up that relationship. It is especially hard if the child is baby as the parent will be a stranger to the child. One way you can help to improve this would be by the other parent showing the child pictures of the incarcerated parent and talking about them Ainsworth developed many ideas put forward by Bowlby, her “attachment behaviour” theory was particularly important. She carried out a vast study looking at a broad cross-section of children with different levels of attachment. The children were then separated from their caregivers and they was observed to see their response. The majority of children with a strong attachment stayed calm and was secure in the belief that their caregivers would shortly return. On the other hand children who was not securely attached cried and demonstrated great distress until they were returned to their caregivers. I believe this proves Bowlby 's theory of attachment as children who are attached will be able to branch out and takes the risks necessary to develop. The children who are not securely attached will not want to leave their caregivers and will not take risks and learn independence. One of the criticisms of attachment theory is that in non-Western societies it is not the norm for children to have attachments to one person solely as they are brought up and raised as a

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