Managing Osteopenia in Children with Cerebral Palsy

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METHODOLOGY A strategy to be able to do the research in a structured manner was set up. This was needed so to be able to view the research question and be able to answer it in a structured manner, for this reason concepts were identified and listed. Concept 1: Osteoporosis, Osteopenia, Fracture*, Bone mineral density Concept 2: Cerebral palsy Concept 3: Child*, Concept 4: Treatment* GENERAL POINTS A review of the literature that highlights bone Osteopenia in children with cerebral palsy and how it is managed has been done. Due to constraints such as time, it was not possible to allow other methods, such as quantitative research using a questionnaire. The method still had to follow a rigorous, well defined method that involves a research …show more content…

Was the ideal method chosen? If the above requirements were satisfied, the paper was read and critically appraised in more detail, using checklists provided. A detailed description using a methodical approach of the two papers chosen will be done. Exclusion Criteria To identify exclusion criteria a search was done. This initial search resulted in papers focussing on the adult bone health and on children with other disabilities suffering also from problems related to the bones, therefore it was decided that these should be eliminated. Papers in the English language were only accepted and the cut off date was 10 years from the start of this module. Unpublished research was also excluded. Using books that were not electronically available was not done due to the long distances. The key words that have been chosen could have removed important published papers. RESULTS The search that was done with Pub med found 104 results. These were reduced to 75 by reviewing papers of the last 10 years and were further reduced to 67 when only human papers were chosen. When only papers that involved clinical trials where shortlisted the list went down to 14. Using the English language and child participants filters these decreased to

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