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Today there are many controversial subjects discussed throughout the media. One of the most discussed is race and the Black Lives Matter movement. Recently, I came across an article titled “The Truth of ‘Black Lives Matter’”, written by The Editorial Board. The article was published on September 3, 2015, to the New York Times. In the article, The Editorial Board writes about what they believe African Americans are facing as challenges in society today, including the all-too-common police killings of unarmed African-Americans across the country. The Editorial Board is right that some African Americans have been treated unfairly, but all ethnicities have been. Life is a precious thing that comprises all ethnicities. This brings us to ask; why …show more content…
The main claim of the article is that African Americans have been treated unfairly throughout history and are still being treated unfairly compared to Caucasians. One of the reasons given in support of the claim is “In the early 20th century, civil rights groups documented cases in which African-Americans died horrible deaths after being turned away from hospitals reserved for whites, or were lynched — which meant being hanged, burned or dismembered — in front of enormous crowds that had gathered to enjoy the sight.” (Editorial Board, screen 3) Another reason given in support of the claim comes from the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. saying “The dead have something to say to a complacent federal government that cuts back-room deals with Southern Dixiecrats, as well as to every Negro who has passively accepted the evil system of segregation and who has stood on the sidelines in a mighty struggle for justice.” (Editorial Board, screen 3) The argument consisted of several components such as quotes from famous activists and referring to historical events involving African Americans being victims. The components are presented in a certain order with the historical events coming first, the quotes from famous activists coming second, and the overall explanation of the Black Lives Matter movement coming …show more content…
The genre of this article is an editorial. When the audience reads an editorial, they know there is going to be strong opinions and most likely some bias. With the genre of an editorial, though, readers are going to observe phrases and opinions authors would not use in other genres. An example of this is where The Editorial Board says “They are not asserting that black lives are more precious than white lives. They are underlining an indisputable fact — that the lives of black citizens in this country historically have not mattered, and have been discounted and devalued.” (Editorial Board, screen 4) Throughout the article, The Editorial Board included ethos, logos, and pathos in various ways. The Editorial Board represents itself very well and seems to have impeccable credentials and authority. The Editorial Board seems very trustworthy because of the members’ credentials and how publicized The Editorial Board’s editorials are. In the article, facts and evidence are found periodically, meaning that the article is factual to an extent. The Editorial Board presents more facts and evidence that are in support of African Americans than Caucasians, meaning that there is some bias in this article. There are some direct observations included in the logos also. The Editorial Board attempts to invoke an emotional response by saying “The movement sought a cross-racial appeal, but at every step of the way used
For as long as I can remember, racial injustice has been the topic of discussion amongst the American nation. A nation commercializing itself as being free and having equality for all, however, one questions how this is true when every other day on the news we hear about the injustices and discriminations of one race over another. Eula Biss published an essay called “White Debt” which unveils her thoughts on discrimination and what she believes white Americans owe, the debt they owe, to a dark past that essentially provided what is out there today. Ta-Nehisi Coates published “Between the World and Me,” offering his perspective about “the Dream” that Americans want, the fear that he faced being black growing up and that black bodies are what
What is theology? The word “theology” comes from two Greek words that combined mean “the study of God. There are more than 20 types of theologies. Black liberation started the American struggles of the 1960’s. In liberation theology there are 2 groups, the oppressed and the oppressor. The poor are the oppressed and the rich are their oppressors. This kind of theology contextualizes Christianity in an attempt to help those of African descent overcome oppression. This paper will focus on Black Liberation Theology and will explain how it discovers God and how the Biblical God inspire the prophetic work of black liberation theology.
In the article it says, “One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination.” This evidence shows how colored people are segregated from other colored people. Based on the evidence, these colored people doesn’t have the right to be equal to the white people. Another evidence it shows in the article is, “...would be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” This shows how people doesn’t have the rights of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. The quality of life for people who don’t have the rights is very
There are people in America that makes us wonder why there is a world to begin with. There are people who represent the greater good of the world, and there are others who are unfortunately not for the greater good of the world. We have to constantly deal with those whose only goal in life is to bring the lives of others down to the ground; to shatter and to break them. This is what is happening now in the world, and this most likely will never change. As a result of trying to change the ways in which we live and interact with these people, there was a movement that wanted to change the lives of African-Americans, as well as other races. This movement was called “Black Lives Matter”. The people who were responsible for the creation of
There are many people in the world who do remarkable things. There is one month, February, that commemorates all of the phenomenal African American people and their achievements. Black History Month celebrates their notable impact on society and the contributions they made to the world to make a difference.
There are many problems in today’s world, one of which is the existence of racism. Obviously it has improved dramatically over time, however racism is still out there in our every day lives. The movement Black Lives Matter has spread nationwide attracting the attention of many different parties. Black Lives Matter has had a large impact on the whole country with many people taking different stances on it.
Overall, many believe that the undeviating war on racism in today’s society is fueled by police brutality and anti-police violence. Specifically, The Black Lives Matter movement which is the source of controversy regarding these topics. To summarize, this campaign is “both a hashtag and a political project that formed after the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the 2012 killing of Trayvon Martin.” (Miller). Later in the article Chelsea Fuller, senior communication associate of The Advancement project which is a multi-racial civil rights organization, states “The Black Lives Matter movement is to deal with anti-black racism, to “push for black people’s right to live with dignity and respect” and be included in the American democracy that they helped create” (Miller). In discussions of The Black Lives Matter movement, a controversial
This image says a thousand or more words. This African American woman has her mouth covered. I interpret that meaning is that we as African Americans have been silenced. When it comes to our issues being heard or the problems we have the majority ignores us and leaves us silent. And then looks confused when there are uproars caused because people of color want to defend their rights.
The “Black Lives Matter (BLM)” movement emerged in 2013 after the untimely and unfortunate death of Trayvon Martin, an unarmed, harmless black man by the hands of neighborhood watch George Zimmerman. It is a civil rights movement that took the media by storm all across America after George Zimmerman was released scot-free from trial. The hashtag #blacklivesmatter agenda is to bring attention to how individuals with darker skin tones tend to suffer more at the hands of police officers and the justice system. With modern age technology, numerous videos have been captured of cases of police brutality against the black community along with media outlets detailing how the the justice system disproportionately affects the black population. This essay
Black Lives Matter is not a movement that believes all lives do not matter; nevertheless, it highlights the fact that black lives are taken for granted by the judicial system. Protests around the world have taken place to fight for justice in the black community. The immense number of deaths of unarmed black men and women is a clear sign that they are more likely to be killed by police than white people. Physical violence and excessive use of force by the U.S. police towards African Americans are seen in the news regularly.
The Black Lives Matter: Music, Race, and Justice Conference was held Friday and Saturday at the John Knowles Paine Concert Hall at Harvard University.
According to lecture notes, Omi and Winant defines racial projects as " A process through which racial meanings become embedded socially; the building blocks of racial formation." The #BlackLivesMatter movement as a racial project centers on the unfair and unjust treatment of African Americans by Caucasian law enforcement officers and Caucasian individuals; and the lack of justice and due process for the individuals who are and have been victims of this treatment. The movement began following the deaths of unarmed African-Americans at the hands of law enforcement and civilians, gaining mainstream media coverage and becoming a socially known symbol as solidarity among the Black community. However according to Margolin, "an awful trend of
If you still deny or doubt the integrity of the movement, the following statements are sufficient reasons as to why ‘Black Lives Matter’ is valid and necessary. People of colour are treated differently: failing to acknowledge that is simply ignorant. The generalisations and stereotypes inflicted upon black people is extremely detrimental and unfortunately life threatening. This is demonstrably evident when investigating the epidemic that is police brutality, specifically in America. Black people are three times more likely to be killed by police, and accounted for 25% of those killed despite being a mere 13% of the American population as of the 25th of August 2017, (Mapping Police Violence, 2017).
The problem has been identified as the devaluing of Black life across every context of citizenship. The solution to this problem is to change the policies in place that allow such inequality to permeate the ideals of equality and democracy. People of all races and ethnicities have been called to unite ideas, resources, and in turn create a collective action for change. This movement aims to reframe the idea of Blackness and Whiteness that has been instilled through racist ideology. Black Lives Matter is both a call to action and a response to the ways in which our lives have been
According to the video on the link Social movement seems to be easy to define, but when you think about it you start to see that there is more complication and difficulty to the definition hence there are so many different types of definition. Social movements try to be organized and sustained so that a riot doesn’t constitutes. Also movements aim at social changes, personal changes, cultural changes. Social movement depends on people banding themselves in great numbers to advance their causes. The goal is to represent themselves in a democracy by showing that they have large numbers of followers.