Bike Persuasive Speech

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Motorcycling long distances and lifting 300 pounds over your head are similar in one respect. You can't do it unless you're already doing it. This sounds a bit confusing but it means it's something you have to build up to. Riding 400 or even 600 miles a day is a lot of riding on a bike and some exceptional riders have the stamina to do 1000 miles in a day. One of the greatest dangers of this kind of riding is fatigue which can do a lot of things to your mind and body besides making you tired and sleepy. Fatigue wipes out your judgment, reaction time, ability to think, and even your muscular coordination. A brain deprived of sleep will even lapse into brief periods of micro sleep where you're asleep for several seconds with your eyes wide open. When you snap out of it, you'll be aware of not remembering the last section of highway covered. Not being aware of the last 100 or 200 feet of road as you cruise along at 65 mph isn't a good thing. How do you ride long distances without being dogged by fatigue? The following riding tips will help: …show more content…

You may not be aware of this so much on short rides, but this awareness becomes acute on longer rides that cause sore riding muscles. Getting into shape before your trip will require riding three or more hours on the weekends as well as riding every day if you have the time. Even the trip itself will require your breaking into the riding routine gradually by making the first couple of days fairly light in mileage and covering more distance with each day. While doing these rides, you'll identify adjustments needed to make your bike more comfortable. Stay

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