Iditarod Persuasive Speech

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2 dogs, fiercely racing down the ice-covered dirt, dash toward the final stretch of the Iditarod, each leading his own pack of dogs. The finish line ribbon is broken, and the crowd goes ecstatic as the announcer says, “And the winner of this year’s Iditarod race is…” The Iditarod is a sled dog racing competition located in Alaska. The race consists of a 1000 mile course to the village of Nome to celebrate the dog sledding team that delivered crucial medicine to the village of Nome that stopped a fatal diphtheria outbreak. And although some say the the Iditarod is cruel and abusive to dogs, the race should continue because it is an excellent way to commemorate an important event in Alaska’s history and allows dogs to perform their natural calling: running. Firstly, the race should continue because of the heritage and tradition the race has carried for more than 92 years. The Iditarod has always been a symbol of teamwork and lifesaving, not the abuse and inhumane treatment of dogs. As a source states, “The Iditarod commemorates sled dogs’ lifesaving role in delivering medicine to Nome to stop a deadly diphtheria outbreak in 1925. (Anastasia)” This defines the Iditarod as a humanitarian race to save hundreds of human lives and allows sled dogs and mushers alike to keep a yearly tradition of honoring the same good …show more content…

As an article states, “Sled dogs are naturally incredible athletes,’ she tells JS. ‘Through training, conditioning, and top nutrition, they are capable of accomplishing feats of incredible speed and endurance with relatively little effort on their part. (Anastasia)” as the article states, the dogs were natural athletes - who already have exorbitant athletic capabilities - are able to substantially improve their running capacity to endure the Iditarod’s 1000 mile course. In turn, allowing sled dogs to comfortably perform their natural calling:

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