Big Five-Personality Test

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Big Five-Personality Test
Organizational Behaviour studies the individual or group dynamics in an organizational setting. Understanding the personality of an individual is crucial in understanding how he/she will perform in a particular work culture. Modern workplace is a dynamic place where people from diverse backgrounds come together. The big-five personality test helps foresee how individuals are likely to interact and communicate in a work environment. Personality in the organizational behaviour setting refers to the ability of an individual to fit into a particular organization. The five factor model for personality assessments was first proposed by Tupes & Christal (1961) and Norman (1963) and later it was taken ahead by Goldberg (1981).

Extraversion 45(3)
The attribute of extraversion is most commonly linked with leadership qualities in the organizational framework(Judge et al. 2002). Extraversion is often linked with a better engagement with co-workers(Hogan et al. 1994). The extraverts have good people-skills and have higher energy levels. People, who score high on the extraversion scale are likely to be assertive and action-oriented in the workplace. Extraversion is related to social leadership, therefore extraverts are better at motivating co-workers (McCrae & Costa Jr 1997)
A score of 45 percentile indicates an average amount of extraversion. An average score means that the person is less likely to be perceived as brash or over-the-top.
Conscientiousness 33(3.1)
Conscientiousness factors in the way a person controls or redirects their impulses. In the framework of organizational behaviour, it relates to better time-management skills and ability to accomplish tasks within a deadline....

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...ct effects of three core charismatic leadership components on performance and attitudes. Journal of Applied Psychology, 81(1), p.36.
Lord, R.G., De Vader, C.L. & Alliger, G.M., 1986. A meta-analysis of the relation between personality traits and leadership perceptions: An application of validity generalization procedures. Journal of Applied Psychology, 71(3), p.402.
McCrae, R.R. & Costa Jr, P.T., 1997. Personality trait structure as a human universal. American psychologist, 52(5), p.509.
Norman, W.T., 1963. Toward an adequate taxonomy of personality attributes: Replicated factor structure in peer nomination personality ratings. The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 66(6), p.574.
Tupes, E.C. & Christal, R.E., 1961. Recurrent personality factors based on trait ratings, DTIC Document.
Watson, D. & Clark, L.A., 1997. Extraversion and its positive emotional core.

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