Immortality a fantasy that the human civilization has for centuries fantasied with. The ideas of an eternal life, legends and myths have been passed down from generation to generation of figures who have achieved this obscure goal. Let’s ask ourselves; in essence what really determines immortality? It is clear that the human body will no matter what have a predetermined end from dust to dust. We have to stop and re-think the true meaning of the word immortality. Immortals are those who are for always remembered throughout history for their accomplishments throughout their mortal life. Bernhard Riemann is one of these figures who achieved greatness throughout his life and as long as math is vital to all of us and immortal he will be.
Born in the summer of September 17, 1826 in Breselenz, Kingdom of Hanover what’s now modern-day Germany the son of Friederich Riemann a Lutheran minister married to Charlotte Ebell was the second of six children of whom two were male and four female. Charlotte Ebell passed away before seeing any of her six children reach adult hood. As a child Riemann was a shy child who suffered of many nervous breakdowns impeding him from articulating in public speaking but he demonstrated exceptional skills in mathematics at an early age. At the age of four-teen Bernhard moved to Hanover to live with his grandmother and enter the third class at Lynceum two years later his grandmother also passed away he went on to move to the Johanneum Gymnasium in Lunberg and entered High School. During these years Riemann studied the Bible, Hebrew, and Theology but was often amused and side tracked by Mathematics. Showing such interests in mathematics the director of the gymnasium often time allowed Riemann to lend some mathemat...
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...nd a functional equeation for the zeta function. The main pupose of the equation was to give estimates for the number prime less than a given number. Many of his gathered results were later proven by Hadamard and Vallee Poussin. Riemann’s work affects our world today because he gave the foundation to geometry and when other mathmaticians tried to prove his theory they accidentally made other profound and significant contributions to math. Bernhard Riemann’s most influential assistors were his professors among them Gauss, Weber, Listing and Dirichlet. Perhaps of the four Gauss and Dirichlet had the most influence upon him, Gauss guided him as a mentor and Dirichlet’s work gave him the principle that his work was based on. Immortal are those who are forever remembered throughout history Bernhard Riemann past away in July 20, 1866 at the age of thirty-nine.
Socrates a classical Greek philosopher and character of Plato’s book Phaedo, defines a philosopher as one who has the greatest desire of acquiring knowledge and does not fear death or the separation of the body from the soul but should welcome it. Even in his last days Socrates was in pursuit of knowledge, he presents theories to strengthen his argument that the soul is immortal. His attempts to argue his point can’t necessarily be considered as convincing evidence to support the existence of an immortal soul.
...r, and immortality." Young Scientists Journal Jan.-June 2013: 9. Science in Context. Web. 19 May 2014.
Personal immortality seems to be a paradox that many people address and distinguish in different ways. Through outlets such as religion, science, or personal belief this topic is often argued and habitually facilitates strong arguments. Weirob and Miller explicitly explain their dualist/physicalist outlooks on personal immortality as they have a conversation at the hospital where Weirob slowly succumbs to her injuries received in a motorcycle accident. As Weirob patiently awaits death, Miller explains how due to Weirobs realist view on life he will not try to “comfort [her] with the prospect of life after death” (Perry, pg. 65). Due to Weirobs state of unavoidable demise she asks Miller to entertain her with the argument for life after death,
...ves after him. There is a measure of immortality in achievement, the only immortality man can seek.” (Jacobsen, 196)
life everlasting . . . .” (217). Even if repressed, the human soul will eventually manage to
For my final project I chose to compare two works of art from ancient Mesopotamia. A visual work of art and a literary one. The visual work of art I chose was the Statuettes of Worshipers which were created around 2900 to 2350 BCE at the Square Temple at Eshnunna, a city in ancient Mesopotamia. The literary artwork I have chosen is the Epic of Gilgamesh written roughly around 2800 BCE by author or authors unknown. It was set in Uruk, another city in ancient Mesopotamia. Both of these works of art share a common theme; the theme of immortality. It is my hopes that within this paper I can accurately show how each of these works of art express this theme, and how it relates to modern society.
While all of these are accurate interpretations to some extent none of them encompass all of what immortality really is. The reason for this is simple; there is no true definition or guideline by which to follow. Immortality means something different to each and every person on this earth. Down through the ages people have been immortalized by deeds, words, songs, poetry, and a number of other endeavors, but some have always sought the elusive Philosopher's Stone; the answer to true immortality
With his 1955 novel Lolita, Vladimir Nabokov invents a narrator by the name of Humbert Humbert who is both an exquisite wordsmith and an obsessive pedophile. The novel serves as the canvas upon which Humbert Humbert will paint a story of love, lust, and death for the reader. His confession is beautiful and worthy of artistic appreciation, so the fact that it centers on the subject of pedophilia leaves the reader conflicted by the close of the novel. Humbert Humbert frequently identifies himself as an artist and with his confession he hopes “to fix once for all the perilous magic of nymphets” (Nabokov, Lolita 134). Immortalizing the fleeting beauty and enchanting qualities of these preteen girls is Humbert Humbert’s artistic mission
To fear death is to fear life itself. An overbearing concern for the end of life not only leads to much apprehension of the final moment but also allows that fear to occupy one’s whole life. The only answer that can possibly provide relief in the shadow of the awaited final absolution lies in another kind of absolution, one that brings a person to terms with their irrevocable mortality and squelches any futile desire for immortality. Myths are often the vehicles of this release, helping humanity to accept and handle their mortal and limited state. Different cultures have developed varying myths to coincide with their religious beliefs and give reprieve to their members in the face of irrevocable death. The same is true for the stories in the Book of Genesis and the Mesopotamians’ Epic of Gilgamesh. In these two myths similar paths are taken to this absolution are taken by the characters of Adam and Gilgamesh, respectively. These paths, often linked by their contradictions, end with the same conclusion for each man on the subject of immortality; that no amount of knowledge or innocence, power or humility, honoring or sinning, will achieve them immortality in the sense of a life without death. Eternal life for a mortal lies in memory by one’s friends and family after one’s death.
Life after death is a topic of controversy in which Bertrand Russell and John Hick discuss the idea of whether it is possible to have life after death. Russell addresses his argument against the idea through his brief essay titled “The Illusion of Immortality” (1957). In addition, Hick also discusses the topic through his work “In Defense of Life after Death” (1983) of why life after death is a plausible idea. In this paper, I will be discussing Russell’s argument against the belief of life after death. As well, I will also be addressing the opposing view by explaining Hick’s argument in defense of life after death. important scientists in history. It is said that they both shaped the sciences and mathematics that we use and study today. Euclid’s postulates and Archimedes’ calculus are both important fundamentals and tools in mathematics, while discoveries, such Archimedes’ method of using water to measure the volume of an irregularly shaped object, helped shaped all of today’s physics and scientific principles. It is for these reasons that they are remembered for their contributions to the world of mathematics and sciences today, and will continue to be remembered for years to come.
Many countries in the early 1800s were just beginning to form and establish real governments. This was how it was for Norway and this was when Abel was born. Prior to Abel, the last major mathematician was Leonhard who died in 1783. The period between Leonhard and Abel was quiet and not much advancement was made in math at this time. Many ideas were produced but never recognized as it was hard to spread ideas because they did not have the ability to travel quickly. By foot and anf horse was the most comme. Of course you only traveled if you were wealthy or on business. Poverty and poor living conditions were huge problems and it was often that people did not leave the the city they were born in. Sickness was also a problem. Hardly any medications and vaccines were in existence and what was available was not readily accessible. With no protection against disease and sickness, the life expectancy was very low. Abel had to live with all these factors yet still prevailed to be one of the greatest mathematicians in the 1800s.
in effect, I will further fischer’s argument on the basis that an immortal life would be a
When talking about poetry and Romanticism, one of the most common names that come to mind is John Keats. Keats’ lifestyle was somewhat different from his contemporaries and did not fit the Romantic era framework, this is most likely the reason he stood out from the rest. Keats wrote many poems that are still relevant, amongst them Ode to a Nightingale, which was published for the very first time in July, 1819. The realistic depth and lyrical beauty that resonates in Ode to a Nightingale is astounding. Though, his career was rather short, Keats expressed a deep yearning to rise above misery and celebrate life via his consciousness and imagination. Themes of life and death play out in a number of his poems. This essay seeks to discuss Keats’s representation of mortality and immortality, specifically in his poem Ode to a Nightingale.
Carl Friedrich Gauss was born April 30, 1777 in Brunswick, Germany to a stern father and a loving mother. At a young age, his mother sensed how intelligent her son was and insisted on sending him to school to develop even though his dad displayed much resistance to the idea. The first test of Gauss’ brilliance was at age ten in his arithmetic class when the teacher asked the students to find the sum of all whole numbers 1 to 100. In his mind, Gauss was able to connect that 1+100=101, 2+99=101, and so on, deducing that all 50 pairs of numbers would equal 101. By this logic all Gauss had to do was multiply 50 by 101 and get his answer of 5,050. Gauss was bound to the mathematics field when at the age of 14, Gauss met the Duke of Brunswick. The duke was so astounded by Gauss’ photographic memory that he financially supported him through his studies at Caroline College and other universities afterwards. A major feat that Gauss had while he was enrolled college helped him decide that he wanted to focus on studying mathematics as opposed to languages. Besides his life of math, Gauss also had six children, three with Johanna Osthoff and three with his first deceased wife’s best fri...