Benefits Of Tourism

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The reasons form this report is to educate and to understand what it take to run an attraction, how does tourist tv affect your surroundings ,the impact of tourism in our day to day life . What part we play in the tourism industry .how to preserve tourism which can be used to elevate our way of life ,how our can country benefit from tourism and how the people of the host country benefit from the tourism revenue.

Importance of a Visitor Attraction in Antigua and Barbuda

Tourism has become an important part that has an impact on development of country economy. The main benefits of tourism are revenue creation and generation of jobs. For many Caribbean countries it is the most important source of benefit. The capacity of …show more content…

 It encourages cultural awareness and also assist to preserve native culture and traditions.
 Revenue gained from tourism can be used to improve the organizations and services e.g. new roads and airports, schools ,hospitals and the social environment
 Money can be invested on developing education, clean water and sanitation.
 The foreign revenue can develop aid for local people.
 Attractions man made or natural can be protected and developed using income from tourism.
GOOD ECONOMIC …show more content…

 Intrinsic Motivation − For many people, tourism is a way of filling their spiritual needs such as travelling, performing leisure activities, sightseeing novelty and experiences, self-expression and self-assurance, creativity, competition, need for relaxation, and belongingness. This deep-down motivations relate to assuring one’s skills on different emotional fronts. Intrinsic motivation drives the tourists to opt for tourism for elusive rewards such as fun, assurance, and other emotional needs. The other intrinsic factors of motivation are
 Attitudes of Tourist − Knowledge of a person, place, or object + Positive or negative feelings about the same things
 Tourist’s Awareness − by noticing, listening, or getting information, a tourist forms the observation about a place, person, or an object.
 Values or Beliefs − A tourist have confidence in or values a particular mode of behavior which is acceptable personally or socially.
 Personality of the Tourist − the environment build of a tourist plays an important role towards motivation in tourism.

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