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Debate for aviation security
Debate for aviation security
Importance Of Tourism
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Recommended: Debate for aviation security
Industry of tourism is totally dependent on transport, on its security, speed and convenience offered to the tourist during his travel from place to place. And nowadays air travel takes over in rail roads and ships. Understanding the fundamentals of the relationship with the airlines, the rules of interaction with them to ensure the safety of passengers and their property, services, use of appropriate discounts and benefits in sales is very important, both for travelers and travel organizations. Currently leading airlines are customers of tour operators and air travel are an integral component of the generator and an increasing number of tours. First of all, aviation growth caused expansion of geography of international tourism, a lot of …show more content…
But today features of culture of different regions of the world are increasingly encourage people to take vacation in the journey. Objects, visited by tourists, contribute to the enrichment of their memories. Culture is one of the main elements of tourist interest. Cognitive tourism covers all aspects of travel, by which a person learns about the life, culture and customs of other nations. Tourism, therefore, is an important means of creating cultural relations and international cooperation. Development of cultural factors within the region is a means of increasing the resources to attract tourism flows (Richards, 2011, p. 1). In many countries, tourism can be included in a policy of cultural relations. Cultural and educational tourism acquaints tourists with the cultural values, expanding its cultural horizons. At the same time the tourist gets knowledge, in accordance with their own cultural demands of their own choice. All of this is possible because of fast methods of transportation. Tourism is expanding its range of activities by improving the availability and accessibility of tourist facilities as a result of aircrafts, combined with a wide computerization. Reach many of attractive tourist sites, which has developed in recent decades, due, in particular, the rapid development of transport, making it possible to visit the most remote and …show more content…
2). Aviation security is provided by the aviation security services (TSA) and paramilitary units, when necessary, of the protection of airports and airlines, as well as specially authorized bodies with this right by federal laws. Thus, safety ensures the safety of life and health of passengers and crew members by increasing reliability aircraft equipment and qualifications of aviation personnel. The problem of improving aviation security should be viewed as a complex, depending on the work of many government agencies. Ways to solve it depends on the results of scientific research in various fields of science and technology and their application in practice of aviation security. To address this problem should not be allowed in aviation random people who do not know the basics of aviation activity that may cause the industry to the brink of crisis. In this regard, it can be cited as an example of the United States government, which is already two months after the events of September 11, 2001 accepted the Federal Law on Aviation Security, providing targeted funding and created the TSA (TSA,
The terrorist attacks on September 11, 2011 prompted the world to reevaluate and drastically modify airport and airline security. “Four targets had been chosen, all iconic American buildings that would send a clear message of the depth of their hatred for the United States. All four planes crashed, killing all on board—terrorists, crew members, and passengers, along with hundreds who were killed inside the structures, on the ground, and the men and women who ran into collapsing buildings in an effort to try and save others” (Smutz 1). As Jason Villemez said “the decade after the 9/11 attacks reshaped many facets of life in America” (Villemez 1). Before the attacks, people did not think that large scale hostility towards innocent people in our country was remotely possible. Ever since that fateful moment, citizens in America are on their toes every day worrying about another attack happening. United States citizens have had to adapt and change in response to this fear of further terrorist assault on our country. One of the ways they have adapted is by changing their means of security concerning airline travel.
After 9/11 there was a great increase in security nationwide. One major example of this is the number of agencies created as a result of 9/11. Among these agencies include the creation of the TSA (Transportation Security Administration), the DHS (The Department of Homeland Security), the ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), and lastly the massive advancement of the US Coast Guard. Every one of the budgets of these agencies has doubled since 9/11. The creation of the transportation and security administrations primary goal is to improve the safety of all American Citizens traveling by plane. The TSA started implementing, new policies and new technological advancements.
“What time should we leave? Two hours in advance? Three? Four?” Millions of people ask these questions each year before boarding a plane. Between driving, security, walking to the gate, and getting settled, boarding a plane exhausts travelers. But out of all of these different activities, one frustrates and restrains travelers the most: TSA security. People ask why they need all this security, complain about the inconvenience it causes, and ultimately annoys people to no end. Created after 9/11, Transportation Security Administration, or TSA, nationalized airport security, increased screening duration, and supposedly increases security on flights. However, statistics say these added security measures never come to fruition and potentially cost more lives than they save.
The security at airports has continued to tighten based on the numerous threats against the people of the United States. The greatest level of concern is the terrorist attacks on New York’s World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 (Airport). After terrorists of Al Qaeda hijacked four planes and intentionally flew two of them in the World Trade Center, the government formed the Transportation Security Administration, TSA, to enforce rules of what someone could carry on a flight. The new TSA and rules though did not prevent others from threatening the country. Eight years after the attacks on the World Trade Center, Umar Abdulmutallab, known as the Christmas Day bomber, got on a flight while hiding a bomb in his underwear (Airport). In that incident, airport security did not have the ability to recognize the bomb. At the time of the incident, the metal detectors o...
Airport Security Before the dreaded day of September 11, 2001 , a person or persons flying could be escorted to their gate by family members and loved ones. The thought that a gun would or could be brought on board of an airplane and used as a means to hijack an airplane never crossed a passenger’s mind. Isaac Yeffet said, “After Lockerbie, everyone thought; now we’ve learned the lesson of how to be proactive instead of being reactive. Unfortunately, September 11 came and we know the result.
The purpose of the TSA is to protect all of the nation’s transportation systems to ensure freedom of movement for people and commerce. Commercial aviation has been a long-standing target for terrorists. Since the tragic attacks of September 11, 2001, subst...
I. Summary After the tragic events of September 11, 2001, security of the aviation industry became of paramount concern for the public and the United States government. Consequently, the travailing public became afraid to fly significantly impacting the airline industry financially and threatened the financial viability of many airlines. II. Problem: Ensure the safety of public while travailing by air and the viability of the airlines.
The United States spends billions on transportation safety to prevent terrorist or any type of attack on American citizens. Airport security are one of the major problems that the government faces, and the solution is the TSA, also known as the Transportation Security Administration. Passengers believe the TSA is effective in abolishing problems such as terrorism, however, this is not the case. Airport security is not effectively protecting the passengers which is shown through the negligence and violations of the TSA employees, ineffective profiling techniques used by the TSA, and unqualified workers that are placed to protect citizens.
The main opportunities that the scheduled air transportation will have in the next five years are the possible decrease of TSA agents at airports, technology increasing the safety and comfort of the flights for the passengers and ...
For the introduction, brief information regarding my purchase and the travel and tourism industry is presented. It was then followed by the explanation of the 2 chosen theories from two different chapters.
Air travel has grown in the past decade. Travel grew strongly for both leisure and business purposes. India will have nearly 800 to 1000 airplanes by 2023, it was estimated by Airbus. In spite of growth between 30 to 50 per cent in Indian aviation industry, losses of approximately 2200 crore is estimated for the current year.
According to International Air Transport Association (IATA), global airline industry has a history of 100 years (2014). Today, there were more than 3 billion passengers and 50 million tonnes of cargo reach their destination through the wonder of flight every year, supporting over 57 million jobs and $2.2 trillion in economic activity (IATA, 2014). The airline industry plays a crucial role in economic because it helps in opening up new possibilities for tourism, business, and human connections, as well as affecting aircraft manufacturers. It is a large and growing industry which required a large capital. Infrastructure of aviation industry has been undergoes a drastic development in term of quality and quantity. Nowadays, people could travel by air easily with an affordable price.
Today’s global competition, demands a country to keep the true identity., culture becomes the basic aspects that must be maintained, because of the existence of culture effects how closely humans in general act, and be friendly. Cultural or often we refer to as the culture has its own uniqueness, while others interest by the culture then this could make the place tourism.
In recent years, business tourism has become increasingly prevalent and prevailing in the tourism industry. There are large quantities of significant changes which have far-reaching implications for all consumers and suppliers of business travel such as consumption patterns, great developments in transport and communications technology, and the world´s political and economic changes related to tourism industry. All these developments have brought large effects on business travel as well as the main challenges to this sector for the coming years. Every day, tens of thousands of people are beginning or ending their business trips all around the world, while numerous conferences or exhibitions are being held globally, so business tourism is a
Tourism is an industry, with air transport becoming an indispensable factor. One major growing trend in airline industry is market globalization. People travel to other countries for both business and leisure purposes, leading to 7% increment in air travel per year. As a market is globalized, those involved will evolve into global customers who go in search of suppliers running on global base. This leads to a growth in business travel due to the global involvement of companies in terms of investments, production chain, supply and customers. Thus, the participation of air transport in facilitating the world trade is prodigious. Aviation implements another economic benefit of the air transport by providing consumer welfare to individuals while considering the environmental brunt such as the air quality, congestion and noise in the proximity of airports. Air transport being highly demanding has doubled the passenger numbers since the 1980s and over the last decade, it has increased by 45%. The huge growth and development of the aviation field has benefitted in heaps regarding