The Change in Airport Security from 9/11

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The Change in Airport Security from 9/11 The terrorist attacks on September 11, 2011 prompted the world to reevaluate and drastically modify airport and airline security. “Four targets had been chosen, all iconic American buildings that would send a clear message of the depth of their hatred for the United States. All four planes crashed, killing all on board—terrorists, crew members, and passengers, along with hundreds who were killed inside the structures, on the ground, and the men and women who ran into collapsing buildings in an effort to try and save others” (Smutz 1). As Jason Villemez said “the decade after the 9/11 attacks reshaped many facets of life in America” (Villemez 1). Before the attacks, people did not think that large scale hostility towards innocent people in our country was remotely possible. Ever since that fateful moment, citizens in America are on their toes every day worrying about another attack happening. United States citizens have had to adapt and change in response to this fear of further terrorist assault on our country. One of the ways they have adapted is by changing their means of security concerning airline travel. Before the attacks on September 11th, Americans were under the assumption that an individual or group of individuals could not do such a devastating thing to humanity. Prior to 9/11 there was a lack of security in airports and on airplanes. “In 2001, airline security was minimal and was the responsibility of the airline. Passengers were asked a few questions by ticket agents before they passed through checkpoints with metal detectors that were calibrated to sound an alarm for anything larger than a small caliber handgun. If an alarm did sound, security at the checkpoint would... ... middle of paper ... from hijacking the plane. Lastly, we know that up until 1987 it was common for a pilot to carry a handgun while they flew. Interestingly, it was actually required for a pilot to carry a handgun if he was carrying U.S. Mail up until that time (Hudson 1). Recently, the government has reverted back to its old ways and is allowing pilots to carry firearms if they go through a training program (Goo 1). “The Federal Flight Deck Officers (FFDO) program was created after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks and has since trained 12,000 pilots on how to defend their aircraft against an attack” (Hudson 1). Pilots carrying handguns on a plane actually makes the plane a safer place because if a terrorist was trying to get into the cockpit the pilot would have enough time to arm himself with the gun and either detain the terrorist or if necessary shoot the terrorist.

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