Benefits Of Fruits And Berries

776 Words2 Pages

Fruits and berries are nature 's free gift to humanity. Fruits and berries play very important roles in improving the health of individuals through its nutritious supplements. Fruits and berries are some of the natural sources of minerals and vitamins and other compounds needed for the body to function properly. They are rich in dietary fiber, which improves the functioning of the digestive tract. They also provide the body with sufficient energy to perform its daily activities.
Fruits are defined as the edible part of a matured ovary of a flowering plant. They are usually eaten raw and contain seed. Fruits that are not sweet such as tomato, pepper, etc. are known as vegetables. Fruits are categorized into groups based on its nature. They are classified as berries, drupes, vegetables, etc. Berries are known to be a small, fleshy and often edible fruit which ripens. They contain seeds and usually round, juicy, sweet or sour and brightly colored. Examples of berries are blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, among other examples.
Importance Of Fruits
They provide instant energy to the body. Fruits are made up of carbohydrate which is the main source of …show more content…

Above all this numerous benefits offered by fruits, they also assist the body to fight diseases. Fruits are composed of antioxidant compounds such as vitamin C, anthocyanin, etc. which helps to increase the body 's immune system thereby developing the capacity to fight diseases. The frequent consumption of fruits lowers the risk of high blood pressure, heart diseases, strokes, cancer, diabetes and other chronic diseases. The consumption of fruits also removes mineral and vitamin deficiency diseases like rickets, night blindness, beriberi, scurvy, anemia, osteoporosis, etc. Dry fruits like apricots, dates and raisins stores iron and calcium, necessary for maintaining good blood and strengthening the bones

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