Benefits Of Copper Essay

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10 Health & Wellness Benefits of Copper

Copper is a trace mineral found in all bodily organs. It works in conjunction with iron to produce red blood cells. It's also necessary for helping the body store and absorb iron. While copper deficiency is relatively rare in modern society, not getting enough of this mineral can be detrimental to health. Symptoms of copper deficiency may include anemia, arthritis, bruising, fatigue, frequent illness, and unexplained weight loss. Although copper is an essential mineral for survival, it isn’t made by the body. Therefore, to get enough copper, you’ll need to obtain it through the diet.

How does copper benefit health? Keep reading to learn 10 health and wellness benefits of copper...
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Some studies have shown that healthy copper intake may help with the oxidation of LDLs, thereby decreasing one’s risk of cardiovascular disease.
Promotes Healthy Digestion
Copper works in conjunction with zinc for the formation of digestive enzymes. These enzymes break down the macronutrients found in food and help the body absorb them. They also keep things moving along so that toxins and waste are effectively eliminated from the body.
Helps Prevent Infection
Insufficient amounts of copper in the body limits the presence of white blood cells called neutrophils, a condition known as neutropenia. Less neutrophils means the body’s immune defenses are weakened and risk of infection is higher.
Promotes Energy and Metabolism
Copper is a vital ingredient needed for the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate, or ATP— the body’s primary source of energy. ATP helps boost energy levels in general, but it also supports a healthy functioning metabolism.

10. Fights Premature Aging
Copper works as an antioxidant, protecting the skin from free radical damage that causes premature aging. In addition, copper promotes the production of proteins like collagen and elastin that keep skin springy, smooth, and youthful.

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