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Importance of waste management to society
Importance of waste management to society
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Every day it grows, every minute more is produced, overtime this could cause problems if certain people do not do their jobs. This subject is trash, it grows every day, every minute more is produced, and if trash-men do not pick up the trash that is produced and clean it up then it could cause some problems. Who wants to be a trash-man? Who wants to be the one to pick the trash up, that others produce? Ladies and gentlemen, we are running out of trash service workers. We need more workers in the field of sanitation services because they keep the world we live in trash free. If most people think that being a trash-man is gross and that if you are trash-man you are lower class, or considered the uneducated because you are simply a trash-man. So in the paper I could let people know a little more about what a trash-man does then they might think about doing it or change their mind about it being gross.
The most common miss conceptions of being a trash-man is the procedure of picking the trash up. People believe that if you’re a trash-man then you are picking up trash with your h...
The author, Lars Eighner explains in his informative narrative, “On Dumpster Diving” the lifestyle of living out of a dumpster. Eighner describes the necessary steps to effectively scavenge through dumpsters based on his own anecdotes as he began dumpster diving a year before he became homeless. The lessons he learned from being a dumpster diver was in being complacent to only grab what he needs and not what he wants, because in the end all those things will go to waste. Eighner shares his ideas mainly towards two direct audiences. One of them is directed to people who are dumpster divers themselves, and the other, to individuals who are unaware of how much trash we throw away and waste. However, the author does more than direct how much trash
The majority of people waste food on a daily basis. In fact, in the U.S. alone there is an estimate that over half of the food produced goes uneaten; meanwhile there are people who are in need of food, and it ultimately goes to waste (Dockterman). For example, in his essay, “On Dumpster Diving,” author Lars Eighner writes about his experiences of dumpster diving with his pet dog, during his years of homelessness. According to Eighner, much of the food and materials he came across in the dumpsters were in usable shape, and many items were new. Clearly there needs to be a change in American food waste, in current and, hopefully not so much in, future generations. In order to bring about change in this misuse of food, Americans need to be conscious
In the text “On Dumpster Diving”, by Lars Eighner is about a man who speaks of being a homeless man joined by his pet, named Lizbeth. Not exclusively does he clarify his procedures living out of dumpsters, yet in addition the lessons he has learned as a scavenger. Above all I think the genuine message he was attempting to get cross over is that we waste more than we think we do, and it's in our nature as humans. He had built up a great deal of involvement in recognizing on what was protected to eat and what wasn't. He specified eating from a dumpster is the thing that isolates the dilettanti from the experts. Eighner passed by three standards, presence of mind, knowing the Dumpsters and checking them consistently, and looking for dependably
I agree with his assessment about society’s throw away mentality due to the fact that I have seen it myself first hand. Recently I helped my sister move out of her dorm room at NAU and I was horrified to see all the things and edible food she was just dumping and what was worse, she wasn’t the only one. All of the kids were getting rid of perfectly good items in the dumpster, so it’s no wonder that dumpsters near college campuses are one of Eighner’s favorite places to scavenge. In his article on page 3, Eighner elaborates on student’s wasteful habits, “but in the case of discards from student apartments, the answer may be that the item was discarded through carelessness, ignorance or wastefulness.” I believe agree with Eighner that some people have a pack rat mentality while others just throw it away. My parents are a good example of this and I think it has something to do with the way that they were raised. My mom is a pack rat, holding on to everything as long as possible and giving away to charity what she doesn’t want anymore. She squeezes every last drop out of a toothpaste tube or a shampoo bottle, while my dad will throw it away half empty. My mom was raised in a single parent household, where money was tight and you used what you had… my dad however, was raised in a more affluent home and money flowed more freely. In fact, my mom does her own dumpster diving fairly regularly in our garbage can by rescuing stuff out of the garbage that my dad has thrown away, including belts, pants, shirts and hardly worn tennis shoes. She doesn’t keep the goods, but instead gives it to Goodwill or the church clothing drive. My dad is her antithesis and is definitely part of the throw-away society. My dad has little sentiment attached to stuff and like Eichner mentioned on page 6, “knows there is plenty more where what we came from.” After reflecting on
The book I choose for my book report was “Garbology” a book written by Edwards Humes. I found this book a very interesting book and was quite influential. The book “garbology” focuses on many concerns that are still relevant in society today. Each of these issues circles around the fact that the people in the United States produce way to much garbage. Americans produce more trash than anyone else on the planet throwing away 7.1 pounds per person per day, meaning on average each American is on track to generate 102 tons of trash a year. Many wonder if each American can accumulate this much trash in his/her lifetime will this become a problem. The answer is yes; this is currently a problem, has been a problem in the past and will continue to
In his essay, “On Dumpster Diving”, Lars Eighner describes his three years homeless with his dog Lizbeth, surviving off stuff he scavenged from dumpsters. In it he describes his methods for finding edible food and what he looks for to make sure the food is safe to consume and unspoiled. One of the topics he brings up is how a lot of what he finds is from dumpsters near college campuses due to how careless and wasteful he perceives college students to be with their food and other belongings. While some of his criticisms are valid towards a small portion of college students, it is unfair to ascribe these behaviors to all students in general. A majority would agree with his criticisms and be amazed to learn how much is wasted.
In Indianapolis, I see people toss trash out of their car, throw trash onto the ground, and have seen somebody aim for a garbage can, noticed that they missed it, and just left it on the ground. One person throwing garbage on the ground might not think much of it, however, when that piece trash collects other trash, they start to build up and soon form big loads of junk. For example, I am sure people never supposed that if they littered, that their trash would eventually end up in some kind of body of water. Typically, no one thinks about it until they actually go to a sea or lake and see how disgusting it looks because of the people who were too lazy to throw their garbage away. To worsen matters, littering has become very mutual, which must be stopped because in most instances, trash is not disposed of appropriately, which eventually leads to innocent individuals having to spend money on cleaning up. Some people know about the littering in Indianapolis, but most do not care, and that is only because they are not aware of the consequences it can bring or the way it appears to others. For the ones who do recognize it needs to spread the news around so there can be a solution.
Trash invades our world, and we can stop it by recycling. The movie Waste Land, tells the story of an artist named Vik. Vik goes to Rio to visit the people that work at the landfill. He believes that only bad and nasty people work at the landfill, however; Vik meets the pickers, the people that gather recyclables at the landfill. Vik bonds with the pickers, and he wants to sell his art to make better lives for the pickers. During the course of the movie, Vik’s perspective of the pickers changes, and a sense of ethos forms between himself and the pickers.
For instance, many groups within present society does not exhaust items to their fullest potential and ends up being tossed away that they take for granted without realizing the hardships one may face . Specifically, one of the groups that display this behavior is college students, who “tend to throw everything” away even if they are in a financial crisis(Eightner 110). Considering, college is typically a time where students are desperate for money because of the tuition, yet they don’t give a second thought about what goes into the trash. As a result, Eighner’s opinion on this matter is that they are wasteful and to review upon
Dumpster diving is a way of life for some, a hobby for others, and a disgust to most. The majority of society either scoffs at the sight of or turns a blind eye to someone rummaging through dumpsters. It isn’t where most people go to retrieve the essentials of life such as food or shoes. But there is a rather healthy percentage of our society who plunge ankle deep into another man’s trash looking for treasure. Many of those who go in search of valuables or food among the trash have noted that searching through the dumpsters at dorms and colleges reveal a surprising amount of perfectly edible food. This can place negative attributes on our nation’s population of college students. But, they aren’t the only ones to blame for
We always hear "do not litter!" or "throw your litter in the bins", maybe some of you bored to hear that yet we still do not throw it in the correct place. Litter is a serious habit problem to just throw away objects on the ground or leave them lying on the ground, instead of putting them in the garbage can. In Indonesia, the amount of litter is 175.000 ton/day and this is increasing every day. But we don't have to see that far, just look around us, our campus, Sanata Dharma University is still facing the littering problems. Each day, although there are various spots of bins and it is never full yet there are many litters lying in the floor, you can see the student hall as the evidence that even though it has 10 spots of bins, we still find people throwing their litter everywhere.
"McDonald's Janitor Would Like To Thank Everyone Who Tossed Half-Full Cups Of Soda Into Trash." The Onion. The Onion, 14 May 2014. Web. 18 May 2014.
The reason why I chose this topic was because I don’t like seeing trash in the oceans, lakes or ponds just anything. It’s annoying how people don’t know how to take care for stuff. Especially that other people see it not just one or two people but thousands of people see it. When people see that there’s trash all around the area there not going to want to go back to that ocean or that part that they went to because they see that it’s all trashy there and it’s not healthy for humans and the ocean. I just don’t like seeing trash anywhere just all over the place I think it’s gross. So I want to talk about this because I don’t like it and I think it’s a good subject to talk about.
People should know the negative impact throwing away a water bottle or newspaper, purchasing meat from the grocery store or consuming gasoline has on the environment, and many do not. By informing society about how their decisions affect the environment, we can help save our planet and change our attitude toward the land we live on, the water we drink and the air we breathe” and truly show respect for the stuff that we depend on. The United States produces “about 8.25 billion tons of solid waste each year” (Russell 1). People do not realize the impact they have on our planet and the environment. When people throw anything in the trashcan, they are contributing to the destruction of our planet.
Garbage is a very big problem in not only the U.S. but in the world today. Each year we continue to pile more and more garbage adding to the problem. Many nations are starting to become aware bout the consequences of not keeping with their waste use. Countries have already took steps to find alternatives and to eliminate the amount of garbage they use. One alternative that I thought was very interesting is the zero waste movement. Which is a movement that is attempting to get people to reuse there old products instead of throwing them away and having them sent to landfills. Many developed countries are trying to get more people to join the Zero waste movement and if these countries are successful the amount of waste will greatly go down and