Effects Of Littering In Indianapolis

859 Words2 Pages

Diamond Griffin
English 101
30 April 2014
Littering in Indianapolis
In Indianapolis, I see people toss trash out of their car, throw trash onto the ground, and have seen somebody aim for a garbage can, noticed that they missed it, and just left it on the ground. One person throwing garbage on the ground might not think much of it, however, when that piece trash collects other trash, they start to build up and soon form big loads of junk. For example, I am sure people never supposed that if they littered, that their trash would eventually end up in some kind of body of water. Typically, no one thinks about it until they actually go to a sea or lake and see how disgusting it looks because of the people who were too lazy to throw their garbage away. To worsen matters, littering has become very mutual, which must be stopped because in most instances, trash is not disposed of appropriately, which eventually leads to innocent individuals having to spend money on cleaning up. Some people know about the littering in Indianapolis, but most do not care, and that is only because they are not aware of the consequences it can bring or the way it appears to others. For the ones who do recognize it needs to spread the news around so there can be a solution.
It is clear that people, who litter, do not realize the dangerous effects they are causing or the consequences of it. For starters, debris, scattered fragments, can be carried into local waterways, which can nearly cause billions of debris to show up in the ocean each year. What most people do not see, is litter can be a severe fire hazard. For example, if someone just finished smoking a cigarette and then decides to throw the butt of it on the ground, then it is possible that the h...

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...ven join a community service group that helps clean up the community. This would also be a great way to open up new jobs by having people look out for things on the ground, and clean up litter at all times.
In conclusion, littering needs to be terminated all together, though it will take more than a couple of months, it is possible. With a couple of community service organizations in Indianapolis trying their best to pick up all the litter, that is a first step towards a cleaner and healthier environment. The consequences of litter are very harmful and yet, more people are littering everyday not knowing what that they are putting themselves at risk. If cops become stricter about this law and look out for more litterers, and make the punishment much stricter, I believe in the future, littering will be much more uncommon and the environment will look more beautiful.

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