Being Grateful Research Paper

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We all have stuff to be grateful for each day. But, when we get caught up in a negative day - or year, things can seem pretty bleak. Because being grateful is a powerful way to improve your life for the better, it's important to be able to find the light in the tunnel and focus on it. When you do, things start to feel better and life starts to feel easier and more rewarding. Following are 14 things to be grateful for today that most people will resonate with.

1. All The Negative People In Your Day

Be grateful for all the negative people you come across today because they can teach you about yourself and life. And they can teach you a lot! They can teach you who you don't want to be, how you want to come across to other people, and more about how and why you react the way you do. …show more content…

She is always grumpy, but she was especially rude today. Of course, it's hard not to get upset when someone is rude to you, but as I quickly processed my emotions, I realized something - I was grateful for her! It gave me a chance to practice how I react to other people and it helped me see how much better I have become at processing my emotions, moving forward, and letting go of the negativity quickly.

2. Waking Up

You are reading this, so congratulations! You woke up today! I have heard a range of numbers, but I'll take the number from Wikipedia and say that about 150,000 people die each day across the world. Some during the day and some in their sleep, and while many of them are from age-related causes, many are from other things.

So, you woke up today. Be grateful that you have another shot at making the most of your morning and hearing the birds, feeling the wind, and seeing the sky. It's something you won't have the pleasure of being grateful for one day.

3. You Don't Have To Wait To Be

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