Being A Teen Athlete Research Paper

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Benefits of Being a Teen Athlete
It’s 3 pm on a beautiful sunny tuesday afternoon, the bell rings and school is over for the day, what comes next for the average teenager, is it hanging out with friends? Sitting on the couch watching TV? It’s these non productive activities that can lead a teenager to getting into trouble or going down a wrong path in life. Psychologists and sociologists around the world have conducted numerous studies regarding how sports tend to keep teens out of trouble. By taking up a sport not only will it help keep teens in better physical shape, but it can provide kids/teens to learn many valuable life lessons, such as surrounding themselves with positive influences from coaches and peers, and keeping them focused toward a goal. Between the time commitment for practices, creating a higher self …show more content…

By being a student athlete and becoming a part of a team, gives teens an identity that’s bigger than themselves. Having the opportunity to be apart of something that’s bigger than yourself creates an aura of positivity for the teen, and can help impact their lives by creating a higher self esteem. Catalina Logan editor for used a research study from the “Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent medicine” to help create an article on the effects that sports have on teens. In the research study Logan used “the researchers observed that increased high-level physical activity is an important part of helping kids develop self esteem”(Logan 2). Logan’s article also states to “encourage teens to be active and get involved as higher self-esteem helps kids be better grounded and

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