Beauty And Pook Face Summary

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The stories Beauty and Pock Face and The Little Red Fish And The Golden Clog contain actions of deliverance from suffering and the enforcement of the idea that one can not be disrespectful and expect to not have consequences for their actions. Taking a look through the backgrounds and overviews of the stories, it easy to see that they go by similar plots in one way or another. In both stories there is an unfortunate girl who has to put up with and tolerate an insolent person within their family. In the beginnings of the stories, the girls seem to have no one to run to in a time of need, also that they are victims to the ideas that they are not worthy of respect and prosperity. However, gradually throughout the story lines, the main characters …show more content…

Now throughout the story, the people who caused Beauty the most pain seemed to fluctuate at times. For example, in the beginning of the story, the stepmother was more disrespectful towards Beauty while Beauty’s sister was more involved with the ruining of her life towards the end of the story. There was a time towards the beginning of the story when Beauty got help doing some cleaning from a yellow cow, that cow was actually her deceased mother in a different form. The stepmother found out about the help Beauty got and as a result, the stepmother got the yellow cow, killed it, and ate it. Now going further into the story more towards the end, the tables turned and it’s now the sister who is causing Beauty the emotional pain. To provide a background to the sister Pock Face’s wrongdoings, Beauty was riding on her white horse’s back when her shoe came off. After a while, a scholar came, found Beauty’s shoe, and married her. Pock Face was jealous of Beauty so she tricked her into looking into a well, then pushed her in resulting in her drowning. Pock Face had then pretended to be Beauty and went on to be with the scholar. Due to her drowning, Beauty had reincarnated into a sparrow, which is a mythological concept, and Pock Face ended up killing that sparrow after she found out that it was Beauty. Every time Beauty would get killed by Pock …show more content…

This Iraqian Cinderella story includes a girl, who’s name was never mentioned, that wants the best for her father. Her mother died when she was two years old and her father later went on and fell in love with his neighbor whom he married after his daughter suggested the option. The girl’s stepmother grew resentful of her after she saw how much the fisherman loved her. Due to the stepmothers hate for the girl, she made he life what seemed like a living hell. AfFter a while the girl went to bring home her father’s catch of the day when one of those fishes asked the girl to put him back in the water, and the girl did so, but when the stepmother found out about it she threatened to put a curse on the girl unless she found it. It was at this time when the girl first got the help she deserved. She went down to the water’s edge and said, “Red fish, my mother and nurse, Come quickly, and save me from a curse.” The red fish gave the girl gold to give to the stepmother, and that made her forget about the whole mishaps. Now the time when the stepmother got her comeuppance was more towards the end of the story when she tried to ruin the girl’s wedding. The stepmother washed the girl’s hair with henna mixed with arsenic and lime, spread some foul smelling ointment over it, and poured purge down her

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