Barbara Kingsolver's Argument Essay: The Issue Of Marriage

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The issue of marriage and the legitimacy of the concept or strength of how they hold up to society's standards is often a hot button topic of our time, affecting millions, if not billions. Many consequently claim that often one side is to blame for a marriage being ‘’failed’’. However, many like to claim that non-commitment is the issue plaguing marriages; however, in practice and logically, this is a false statement. It has been discovered that it is incorrect to say that non-commitment is the issue that drives divorce rates, according to "Women and the Future of Fatherhood by Barbara Dafoe Whitehead." My claim can be assured and confirmed for the following reasons. Initially, Barbra Whitehead nebulously claimed that “Men, by contrast, have …show more content…

This is proven by Barbara Kingsolver using a personal statement that directly refutes this claim that non-traditional marriages aren't valid or otherwise considered “failed” with the line as followed by Kingsolver, who proclaims, “My daughter tells me the only time she's uncomfortable about being the child of divorced parents is when her friends say they feel sorry for her.’’ The essence of this quotation is simply stated: society looks down on and undervalues "nontraditional" families as alternatives or ways to have a relationship exist without marriage or even after marriage, which be fulfilled or to have status in society. Some may argue that these alternative families are more unhappy than traditional families; however, this statement is also deluded, as this assertion takes the fallacy that correlation is equivalent to causation, which is dispelled by Barbara Kingsolver, who states, “When anyone asks how her daughter feels about it, she spontaneously lists the benefits: our house is in the country and we have a dog, but she can go to her dad's neighborhood for the urban thrills of a pool and sidewalks for

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