Banishment of Religion

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There is no doubt that life in the Middle East is a far cry from life as we know it in the Unites States. Having freedom of religious expression is a luxury many are not afforded in these areas; however, it is a freedom we often times do not give a second thought. Religion plays a significant role in all societies and all aspects of present-day life. Furthermore, religion gives many a reason to live, and a better understanding of the unknown. On the other hand religion has long been a controversial issue causing widespread global unrest. The ideology of religion is to promote peace, happiness, and unity; however, more times than not, it produces hatred and anomie. Sociologist Emile Durkheim introduced this concept to explain social instability resulting from the erosion of standards and values, as well as, alienation and purposelessness experienced by a person or group. (Schaefer, 2013) The differences between the eastern and western ideologies continue to be a talking point in our current events; however, to comprehend the lifestyle and culture in the Middle East remains a mystery to many not living in that region; by applying the sociological perspectives to religion sociologists are able to better grasp the complex issues that surround it. “In some instances religious loyalties become dysfunctional; that is they contribute to tension and even conflict between groups and nations” (Schaefer, 2013). Orhan Pamuk, a Turkish novelist, brings major issues many are dealing with in areas of Turkey and Europe to the forefront in his novel Snow, especially those at the intersection of religious expression and needs for secular authority in the modern world.
Women in some Islamic societies veil themselves, as well as, seclude themselves i...

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