Analysis Of Voltaire's Nightmare: Banning The Veil

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William Jones RELG 6/19 Voltaire’s Nightmare– Banning the Veil Ideological battles are often waged with women 's bodies as their emblems, and Western Islamophobia is no exception. -Naomi Wolf State secularism (Laïcit鬬 in France) is rooted in principles put forward by Enlightenment thinkers like John Locke and Voltaire—state neutrality in order to ensure the right to freely express oneself and the right to religious freedom. Contemporary movements to ban the Islamic veil on the grounds of its symbolic value represent a perversion of the original intent of state secularism and infringe upon these basic rights. Our western perception of the veil as a universal symbol of oppression is based in a long history of orientalism (stereotyping), …show more content…

She makes the case that Western feminists have radically misinterpreted the veil. For many Muslim women, the veil acts as a divide between the public and private. The veil may actually liberate women from “the intrusive, commodifying, basely sexualizing Western gaze”. The veil frees women from the oppressive hyper-sexualization of found in Western culture. Reducing the veil to a symbol of oppression disregards the possibility of female agency outside a Western feminist paradigm. The veil has the potential to liberate women in the public space. Projecting our Western notions of sexuality and gender roles denies the possibility of different forms of sexual …show more content…

Voltaire’s objections to the state imposed religion of 18th century France would hold true for the militant secularism of today. Toleration is foundational to a healthy society- “tolerance has never provoked a civil war; intolerance has covered the Earth in carnage” (Treatise on Tolerance). Banning the veil, like all attempts to create a more homogenous society, is doomed to fail. Any ban encourages Islamophobia and feeds extremism by stigmatizing Muslims. Instead we must “focus on the creation of mechanisms designed to help women escape subjugation and domestic abuse, leave oppressive family structures without the fear of violent reprisals, as well as equip them with tools to better integrate within society and ensure their autonomy” (National Secular Society). Banning the veil is ultimately more of a threat to society than the veil itself. The future stability of Europe hangs in the

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